Spring pollen concentration explosion, pollen allergy level 4 patients, 3 years of time to organize the health management strategy

I am a pollen allergy patient , every pollen season runny nose, itchy eyes annoying.

Every morning rush hour on the subway, wearing a mask, snot flowing. The reason for the epidemic, and it is not convenient to take off the mask to wipe the nose, in fact, in the public **** occasions, wipe the nose more or less impolite  ̄へ ̄? I found a good way to do this, which is to rub the toilet paper into a strip and stuff it into the nostrils, so that it can flow, and then I can blow my nose and change the tissue when I get off the subway.

I am an old allergy sufferer, and I've been trying to learn more about it, so I'd like to share this with you.

These are some of the most important things you need to know when you're in the hospital, but I'm not sure if you want to know what you need to know, because I'm not sure if you want to know what I need to know, but I think it's important to know what I need to know.

If you're lazy, you can just look at #5 and find a professional organization that will take care of your allergies and provide you with a full range of allergy management products and 1-to-1 services.

I. Minimize exposure to pollen

? 1. Going out when pollen concentrations are low is affected by the concentration of pollen in the air, and the higher the concentration the more severe the symptoms.

Did you know that pollen concentrations are different at different times of the day? Pollen levels are also different in different weather!

How do you know the pollen concentration? We understand that Beijing is currently set up to monitor pollen concentration, and you can check the pollen concentration broadcast in the Beijing area. If you don't have a broadcast, it's okay, the following points are easy to distinguish:


? 2, go out and wear a mask, eye symptoms wear eye mask

Here to say, what specifications masks can be anti-pollen?

1) Only anti-pollen, "disposable medical mask" can be. 2) But now we also have to protect against the new crown, "medical surgical masks" can be.

Medical surgical masks need to comply with China's pharmaceutical industry standard YY 0469-2011 "medical surgical masks technical requirements," the need for Class II medical device registration. certification) are not recommended.

For more information on choosing a mask, read "Choosing a mask for your allergic baby that protects against both epidemics and pollen".


3, room ventilation depends on the time

This time, for our pollen allergy people, not ventilation is healthy.

As mentioned earlier, the concentration of pollen depends on the time of day, it is recommended to ventilate in the morning or at night; windy days, rainy days ventilation is a good choice


? ?1) Conditional reasonable choice of residence

For example, allergic to willow pollen, in the south of the spring when the willow willow, go to the north on business, to feel the winter cold; when the north of the willow flakes, and then go to the Sanya to spend a vacation. This one probably only applies to some people!

? 2) Don't know what pollen you're allergic to?

Maybe some people are not sure what kind of pollen they are allergic to, or even if they are allergic to it, that is, there are always 1~2 months of snotty noses every year.

Because of the epidemic, a lot of people are not convenient to go to the hospital, that can not check allergens ah?

In fact, it is now possible to test allergens at home, not a doctor has to provide. It can be purchased from Jingdong, Taobao, or Dr. Wuyi's mall. You can sample your blood at home, send the sample to the lab, and wait for the report.


Second, how to alleviate allergy symptoms

I am allergic to pollen, but then I have to go out when the concentration of pollen is high, sometimes I can't wear a mask; the room is sometimes unavoidable presence of a lot of pollen; I can only bear the runny nose, sneezing, itchy eyes, watery eyes these painful and embarrassing symptoms? Here we tell you two kinds of countermeasures. medication, you need to consult your doctor in advance oh

1) take medication in advance to prevent.

Advance preventive medication 2-4 weeks before pollen season, when you can take an oral antihistamine. Cetirizine hydrochloride tablets or levocetirizine hydrochloride tablets are recommended here.

2) Daily medication should not be stopped during the allergy season

Nasal spray of hormones or nasal spray of antihistamines, and a combination of oral antihistamines should be used during the pollen season.


Third, can you not be allergic to it in the future?

I believe that many people with allergies have this question, allergies can not be cured?

Me too, since 3 years ago, allergies, allergic rhinitis every year punctual Times. Can't it be cured, and will it not recur in the future?

1) Desensitization

Desensitization of allergies is the process of identifying the patient's causative allergens and then making a protein extract of the allergen into a vaccine. The vaccine is administered by subcutaneous injection or sublingual administration in low to high concentrations and in small to large doses so that the patient's body accepts it (develops an immune tolerance) and no longer develops allergic symptoms or the allergic symptoms are reduced when the patient is exposed to the allergen again.

But not all allergens can be desensitized. And not everyone is a candidate for desensitization, which can be a constant battle.

The course of desensitization usually takes 3 to 5 years, with daily medication (drops of desensitizing drops are placed under the tongue and slowly absorbed, swallowed after 1 to 3 minutes). It is not recommended for short-term use because of its long onset of action and the wide variation in individual allergies, which means that short-term use will not achieve the effects of desensitization itself. Once you start the desensitization treatment, please follow the doctor's instructions for a full course of treatment without interruption, so that the desensitization treatment can maximize its effectiveness.

Internationally recognized desensitizing agents include dust mites, various types of pollen, bee venom, etc. Peanuts can now be desensitized abroad.

Domestic mainly dust mite desensitization, now Peking Union Medical College Hospital has all kinds of pollen, pet dander, fungal desensitization. Sublingual desensitization medications are dust mite and Artemisia annua sublingual drops, which just became available in 2021. Regardless of whether or not you want to undergo desensitization treatment and the desensitization process, I hope that you will always carefully consult and listen to the advice of a medical professional. Read more "Can allergies be cured? Can I be desensitized for my allergies? .


2) Improvement of allergy

I can cross my arms and proudly say that after 1 year of hard work, I am in the pollen season of 2021, my allergy symptoms are relieved, and allergy time has decreased!

In 2020, my allergy symptoms were runny nose, sneezing, itchy eyes, and itchy ears; the symptoms lasted for 2 months one after another.

In 2021, my allergy symptoms were runny nose, itchy ears; the symptoms lasted for 2 weeks, and disappeared after I went to Shenzhen for a week's business trip and returned to Beijing. Here to explain, I am allergic to Artemisia pollen, Beijing area is more serious; and Shenzhen basically no Artemisia pollen. Originally, the symptoms were not serious, to Shenzhen the next day, the symptoms disappeared. 1 week later, and then return to Beijing, although the air still exists in the artemisia pollen, but I do not have a second allergy. I can't explain now what the main reason is for not being allergic after a week of being disconnected from allergens, but it certainly has something to do with my body type.

So what have I done this year to try?

Because I was mainly trying to lose weight (I didn't realize that I was also actually improving my physique and strengthening my immunity), I basically exercised for more than 30 minutes 1 or 2 times a week, and the exercises were mostly slow-paced aerobic exercises, such as jogging, swimming, and walking.

Allergy sufferers should not exercise with too much intensity, and moderate aerobic exercise is appropriate. This can be walking, jogging, or other exercise that significantly accelerates the heart rhythm.

Exercise intensity to not sweat or slightly sweaty is appropriate, the best exercise 2 to 3 times a week, each 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Of course, pollen-allergic people should avoid outdoor exercise during the pollen allergy season.

Dinner recipes and timing are important. Dinner from 20:00 fast food diet (hot and spicy, hot and sour noodles, snail powder), etc., changed to 18:00 before the light meal set, this is very simple, in the unit call takeaway can be dealt with; the weekend dinner is also homemade a variety of light soup, such as eggs and radish soup, egg winter melon soup, shrimp and green vegetable soup, etc.. In fact, I am in order to lose weight to adjust the dinner diet, at best, abandoned the unhealthy eating habits, but did not focus on improving the allergic body of this recipe. Recommended sampling medicinal meals for dietary modification, such as astragalus and yam congee, green onion white red dates and chicken congee, ganoderma lucidum and astragalus stewed pork lean pork and so on. It is recommended that the latter can be targeted to the choice of recipes, you can consult a dietitian or contact the not a doctor for advice.

I made myself a record of falling asleep ~ hopefully by 23:00. This is something I'm not doing particularly well yet, but it's trending better, much better than the 2020 situation ~ I hope to keep more and more records before 23:00 in the future

Also, it's recommended to reduce your reliance on electronics before going to bed. Although you can't do it ~ according to research, watching TV, using a cell phone or other electronic device before bedtime can reduce the quality of sleep. Because electronic screens emit blue light, which inhibits the production of sleep-promoting melatonin, the hormone that controls the sleep and wake cycles, you should turn off your electronic devices an hour before bedtime .

1) Keep a close eye on your body's reaction to other allergens

If you are allergic to one substance, you are allergic. It's easy to be allergic to other substances as well. Therefore, in our daily life, we should pay close attention to our body reaction after contacting other allergens, such as sneezing, gastrointestinal discomfort, diarrhea, eczema, and other common minor illnesses, which may be caused by allergies.

In particular, if you're new to allergens, you need to be careful and observe your body for any abnormalities or discomfort.

2) Check for other allergens if necessary

Sometimes we are sensitized to an allergen for the first time but we don't have symptoms. symptoms. Symptoms may occur after the second exposure. So for common allergens, it is advisable to check them out.

3) Pay attention to your children's or your parents' allergies

If you're allergic to an allergen, there's a high probability that your children and your parents will be allergic to it.

A family history of allergy is present in about 40-50% of patients with allergic diseases. Eczema, atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis, and allergic asthma are all associated with genetic susceptibility. Studies have shown that children are more likely to develop allergies if their parents have a history of allergies. If one parent has a history of allergies, the child has a 20-40% risk of developing allergies; if both parents have a history of allergies, the child has a 40-60% risk of developing allergies; and if both parents have the same allergy symptoms (e.g., asthma, eczema, etc.), the child has a 50%-80% risk of having the same symptoms. It is worth noting that even if both parents have no history of allergies, the child still has a risk of developing allergies of about 5-15%.

4) Record your allergen test results and allergy symptoms and medication history, and be prepared for a long-lasting battle

Allergies are an ongoing, changing disease, and it is recommended to keep good records.

Fifth, not a doctor one-stop all-inclusive intimate service

If you think that 1-4 much better. If you think 1-4 are too much trouble to memorize. You can look for Dr. WeiYi, a brand specializing in allergy health management, which not only provides allergen home testing, but also allergy prevention, allergy doctor consultation and medication advice, and other one-stop allergy health management. You can search for their public number "Dr. WeiYi Online" to learn more information, and contact their customer service in the public number to enjoy one-stop all-inclusive services.

"Dr. WeiYi" relies on the Omnicom Group and the WeiYi Medical Laboratory, and adopts the international advanced immune diagnostic and treatment technology and the concept of health management based on autoimmune diseases, allergies and other related antibodies and genetic testing, driven by precision medicine. Based on autoimmune diseases, allergies and other related antibodies and genetic testing, and driven by precision medicine, the company has created a new Internet medical service model for a full range of immuno-allergy-related testing/diagnosis and treatment/consumptive disease management. Relying on the resources of high-quality allergy and immunity experts from domestic tertiary hospitals, and based on more than 20 years of clinical diagnostic experience in China and its own big data, Dr. WeiYi focuses on allergy and immunity abnormality-related diseases, and provides one-stop services for health management, including disease popularization/examination and checkups/diagnosis and treatment/environmental control/physical conditioning, and other health management services.

With rich experience in clinical diagnosis and application, Dr. WeiYi relies on the testing program of OMG, which is a leader in the autoimmune field, and has a full range of testing programs, including 100 common rheumatic diseases, digestive diseases, respiratory diseases, dermatology-related diseases, obstetrics and gynecology-related diseases, and more than 2,000 medical testing indicators for more than 100 diseases. The test program has a complete range of tests, including 100 common rheumatic diseases, digestive system diseases, respiratory system-related diseases, dermatology-related diseases, obstetrics and gynecology-related diseases, and more than 2,000 medical testing indicators for various diseases.

Taking allergy diagnosis as an example, Dr. Uni not only realizes one-stop health management services including allergic rhinitis, allergic asthma, food allergy, hay fever and other allergy symptoms relief, but also provides high-end medical health customization services for sensitive people, such as 222 items of food intolerance test based on German testing technology, celiac disease (gluten sensitivity) antibody + gene combination test, etc.

This is the first time in the world that Dr. Uni has been able to provide a comprehensive range of medical testing services.