Are electronic infusion pumps analgesic pumps

Electronic infusion pumps are analgesic pumps.

The analgesic pump is a liquid infusion device that can keep a certain stable concentration of medication in the blood, which can help patients use less medication to achieve a better analgesic effect. The analgesic pump is suitable for patients with extensive and long surgeries, such as radical cancer treatment in oncology and combined head-guard thoracic-abdominal surgeries.

Open chest and open abdomen surgery patients with long incisions, these patients often need to leave chest drains and gastric tubes, which also increase their pain, so patients can also use analgesic pumps for pain relief.

The infusion pump is an intelligent infusion device that uses mechanical drive to accurately control the number of drops or the flow rate of the infusion to ensure that the dose is accurate and safe into the patient's body, a specialized medical device.

The application of infusion pumps in the clinic greatly improves the accuracy, safety and quality of care of the infusion. The intravenous infusion pumps applied in the clinic are mainly classified into two categories according to the volume of infusion and the precision of the infusion, i.e., infusion pumps and micro syringe pumps.