Foundation of the United States Safety Testing Laboratory Corporation (UL)
In the 1890s, a series of serious fires occurred in many cities in the U.S., the cause of which was attributed to electrical equipment and wires that caught fire.
To prevent another tragedy, Mr. Williams Merrill founded UL in 1894. In 1894, Mr. Williams Merrill founded the Bureau of Underwriting and Electrical Engineering, the predecessor to the Bureau of Electrical Engineering of the National Fire Insurance Department, and UL published its first test report on March 24th of the same year with only two employees and $350 worth of testing equipment.
In 1901, the Bureau, which Mr. Merrill had founded, was reorganized as Underwriters Laboratories Inc. and expanded its testing beyond electrical and electronic machinery.
UL Listing Mark
This is one of the most commonly used UL marks. If a product bears this mark, it means that a sample of that product meets UL's safety requirements. These requirements are primarily UL's own published safety standards. This type of marking is commonly seen on the following categories of products: appliances, computer equipment, furnaces and heaters, fuses, power strips, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, fire extinguishers and sprinkler systems, personal flotation devices such as life jackets and life preservers, bullet-proof glass and thousands of other products.
The C-UL Listing Mark
This mark applies to products sold in the Canadian marketplace. Products bearing this mark are evaluated against Canadian safety requirements. Canadian safety requirements may differ from U.S. safety requirements. The mark can be found on the following types of equipment: electrical and computer equipment, vending machines, home burglar alarm systems, lighting fixtures, and many other types of products.
C-UL US Listing Mark
UL introduced this new listing mark in early 1998. It indicates compliance with both U.S. and Canadian requirements. The Canada/U.S. Mark is optional, and UL encourages manufacturers whose products are certified in both the U.S. and Canada to use this new combination mark, but manufacturers may choose to continue to use the UL Mark for the U.S. or Canada only.
The Classification Mark
This mark appears on products that have been evaluated by UL for certain specialized attributes. Certain specialized attributes are those that apply to a limited range of hazards, or to use under limited or specialized conditions. Typically, products classified by UL are general purpose construction materials and industrial equipment. Examples of the types of equipment classified by UL are diving suits, fire doors, firefighter protection devices, and industrial trucks.
C-UL Classification Mark
This classification mark applies to products sold in the Canadian market. It indicates that UL has evaluated the product for certain hazards or characteristics in accordance with Canadian standards. Examples of C-UL rated products include air filters, fire stops, and certain types of roofing systems.
C-UL US Classification Mark
UL introduced this new classification mark in early 1998. It indicates compliance with both U.S. and Canadian requirements. The Canada/U.S. Mark is optional, and UL encourages manufacturers whose products are certified in both the U.S. and Canada to use this new combined Mark, but manufacturers may choose to continue to use the UL Mark for the U.S. or Canada only.
Recognized Component Marks and Canadian Recognized Component Marks
These marks are rarely seen by the average consumer because they are used on components, which are parts of larger products or systems. These parts do not directly constitute a complete product on their own, or their use is limited. Component recognition marks can be found within a large number of products, including some switches, power supplies, printed wiring boards, certain types of industrial control equipment, and thousands of other products. Products intended for sale in the Canadian market are marked with an approved part marking that carries a "C" letter.
Recognized Part Mark for Canada and the U.S.
This is a new UL Recognized Part Mark, which became effective April 1, 1998, and can be used on products manufactured by UL both in Canada and the U.S.
Recognized Part Mark for Canada and the United States. It can be used for parts that are certified by UL to both Canadian and U.S. requirements. Originally, UL did not intend to introduce a combined Recognized Component Mark, but introduced the new mark because of the preference of UL's Certificate of Conformity users whose products are sold in both Canada and the U.S. for the Canada/U.S. Listing and Grading Mark.
International EMC-Marker"
Products bearing this international "EMC-Marker" meet the electromagnetic compatibility requirements of Europe, the U.S., Japan, Australia, or any combination of these countries and regions. In the U.S., certain types of products cannot be sold without being certified as meeting U.S. EMC requirements. Products subject to EMC testing include medical and dental equipment, computers, microwave ovens, televisions, radios, transmitters, and wireless controls
EPH Product Mark
This UL Mark appears on products that have been evaluated in accordance with the Environmental and Public ****Hygiene Standards. A "graded version" of this Mark is used for products that meet ANSI/NSF standards as well as other food sanitation scopes and requirements. Examples of such products are: food service equipment, meat and poultry plant equipment, and drinking water additives. The "listed" version of this mark is generally used for products that meet UL's own EPH safety standards.
The Blue Sanitation Mark
It is optional and supplements the Classification Mark.
Field Evaluation Product Marking
The Field Evaluation Product Marking applies to products that have been thoroughly evaluated by UL at the site of use, rather than at UL or the manufacturer's laboratory. If a product has been substantially modified since it was manufactured, or if there are no third-party markings on the product, a building owner, regulatory authority, or any other person directly involved with the product may request that UL conduct on-site testing of that specific product. Products that meet the relevant safety requirements can be labeled with this non-removable field evaluation product marking.
Management System Registration Mark
This UL registered company mark is not visible on the product. It indicates that a facility has been evaluated by UL to the Management Systems Standard. By having UL evaluate its management system program, it can be used to enhance a company's image and become an integral part of its marketing strategy. The standards used by UL in this regard are: the ISO 9000 series of quality assurance standards; QS-9000 and TE Supplemental Standards, which are quality standards developed by the Big Three U.S. automakers for their suppliers; ISO 14001, which covers environmental management systems; AS9000, the aerospace industry standard; and ISO 14001, the environmental management system standard. standards; AS9000, the Aerospace Quality Management System; TL9000, the Telecommunications Quality Management System; and SA8000, the Social Accountability Management System.
Marine Marking
The UL Marine Marking is found on products that are intended for marine use. Products bearing this Mark have been evaluated in accordance with UL's published Marine Safety Standards and other applicable standards and codes. Damage to pleasure craft or yachts that can occur when the product is exposed to certain harsh marine environments, such as vibration, shock, ignition protection, water intrusion, and corrosion caused by salt water. The requirements of UL's published marine safety standards and other applicable standards and codes referred to above address these damages. Types of equipment suitable for the UL Marine Mark include alternators, batteries/chargers/energy changers, navigation lights, fuel tanks, filters and pumps.
The AR-UL Mark
This mark is used in conjunction with the mandatory "S" mark of the Argentinean National Institute of Internal Commerce. This "AR-UL" marking indicates that the product complies with the requirements of Argentina's Regulation 92/98, Phase III. Most electrical and electronic products entering Argentina must bear the "S" mark next to the mark of a recognized third-party certification organization (e.g. UL de Argentina. S.R.L.).
Gas Marking
Currently UL offers a new Gas Listing Mark for gas appliances and equipment only. The gas marking indicates that a product complies with certain nationally recognized gas standards, including UL, ANSI Z21/Z83 series and CSA/CGA standards. The Gas Mark indicates that this product has been evaluated for certain reasonably foreseeable hazards, including gas-generated hazards and electric-generated hazards.
Gas Marking for use in Canada
Gas appliances that have been evaluated to Canadian national standards are authorized to use the Canadian Gas Mark. Gas appliances evaluated to both Canadian and U.S. national standards are authorized to use a combination of the Canadian and U.S. Marks.
UL Performance Verification Mark
The UL Performance Verification Mark may be applied to listed communications cables that have been verified to performance standards. The Performance Standards referred to herein may be the UL Sex Classification Scheme, ISO/IEC 11801, and NEMA WC66. The UL Performance Verification Mark may also apply to listed communications cables that have been verified to the Telcordia Specification. The UL Performance Verification Mark may also be applied to listed fiber optic cables that have been verified in accordance with the Telcordia Specification, or to data transmission cables or fiber optic cables that have been verified only in accordance with the Performance Specification. The Verified Performance Mark indicates that a telecommunications cable product has been qualified to safety and performance standards and complies with industry performance standards and draft standards
Energy Verification Mark and traditional UL Listing or Recognition Mark
When a product bears the Energy Verification Mark and a traditional UL Listing or Recognition Mark, it indicates that the product meets the appropriate U.S. and/or Canadian energy efficiency requirements and UL Listing or Recognition Mark. requirements of the U.S. and/or Canada, as well as the UL Listing or Recognition requirements.
CSA International, Canadian Standards Association
Founded in 1919, CSA International is one of North America's premier product certification organizations, providing testing and certification services for products in a wide range of industries, including appliances, machinery, consumer and commercial electronics, IT/AV equipment, industrial equipment, electrical components, and gas appliances. CSA International's certification mark is a passport to international markets such as Canada and the U.S. It is widely accepted and recognized by the relevant North American standards bodies, and is also the first choice of the majority of North American retailers. Many of the world's leading manufacturers use CSA International as a partner in opening up the North American market. For users, the CSA International logo means a stronger guarantee of quality and safety.
CSA International is licensed by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), listed as a U.S. Nationally Recognized Laboratory (NRTL), and authorized by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC). In the United States and Canada, the CSA Mark is recognized by regulatory authorities in the fields of health and safety, electrical, gas, construction, sanitary and many others.
Marks for the U.S. Market
For the U.S. Market: The CSA International Mark with US indicates that the product complies with applicable U.S. standards and can be entered into the U.S. market. If the product has multiple properties (e.g., electrical equipment that also has a combustion function), this mark means that the product complies with all applicable standards.
For the U.S. and Canadian markets: The CSA International Mark with C-US indicates that the product has been tested for compliance with applicable standards in the U.S. and Canada, and can be used in both markets. If the product has multiple properties (e.g., an electrical device that also has a combustion function), this symbol means that the product meets the standards for all applications.
Gas appliances for the U.S. market: The Blue Star Mark indicates that the gas appliance complies with applicable U.S. standards for the use of gas or other fuels. See Gas Appliance Certification Programs for details. If the product has multiple properties, this symbol means that the product complies with all applicable standards.
Applicable standards issued by ANSI and CSA
U.S. market: The CSA International logo with NSF/ANSI 2 indicates that the product is certified to comply with the NSF/ANSI 2 standard for the U.S. market.
For the U.S. market: The CSA International logo with NSF/ANSI 4 indicates that the product is certified to the NSF/ANSI 4 standard for the U.S. market.
For the U.S. market: The CSA International logo with NSF/ANSI 7 indicates that the product is certified to the NSF/ANSI 7 standard for the U.S. market.
For the U.S. market: The CSA International logo with NSF/ANSI 8 indicates that the product is certified to meet the NSF/ANSI 8 standard for the U.S. market.
U.S. Market: The CSA International logo with NSF 51 indicates that the product is certified to NSF 51 for the U.S. market.
For the U.S. market: The CSA International logo with NSF C-2 indicates that the product is certified to meet the NSF C-2 standard for the U.S. market.
Marks for the Canadian MarketCertification Marks for the Canadian Market
For the Canadian Market: The CSA International Mark without other symbols on its own indicates that the product complies with applicable Canadian standards. If the product has multiple properties (e.g., electrical equipment that also has a combustion function), this mark means that the product complies with all applicable standards.
For U.S. and Canadian Markets: The CSA International Mark with C-US or NRTL/C indicates that the product has been tested for compliance with applicable standards in the U.S. and Canada, and may be used in both markets. If the product has multiple properties (e.g., an electrical device that also has a combustion function), this mark means that the product complies with all applicable standards.
Gas appliances for the Canadian market: The CSA International Blue Flame Mark indicates that the product meets Canadian market standards for products that use gas or other fuels. For more information, visit the Gas Appliance Product Certification Program. If the gas product has an appliance feature, the mark also indicates that the gas appliance meets the standards for appliances.
Electrical products for the Canadian market: The EEV Mark indicates that a product is certified to meet CSA International's standards for energy efficiency and performance. See EEV Services for details.
Canadian Forest Products: This series of marks indicates that this product (or part of a product or series of products) is made from materials that meet Canadian standards for sustainable forest management (CAN/CSA Z809). Please refer to the Forest Sustainability Program for more information.
CANADIAN CARRIER SAFETY MANAGEMENT: This symbol indicates that the carrier has documented a safety management system to control the safety of the means of transportation as well as the goods. For more information, visit Carrier Safety Management System Program.