Antistatic masterbatch in the business registration belongs to which classification

Anti-static masterbatch is a product that prevents electrostatic discharge and is commonly used in the electronics industry, aerospace industry, pharmaceutical industry, and so on. In the business registration, antistatic masterbatch may belong to the classification of "chemical products" or "chemical raw materials".

Chemical products refer to a variety of products made from petroleum, natural gas, coal, minerals, minerals, biomass and other raw materials, through chemical reactions or physical processing. Antistatic masterbatch may fall into this category as it may be made through chemical reaction or physical processing.

Chemical raw materials are chemical preparations, fine chemicals, daily-use chemicals, pesticides, dyes, flavors, paints, inks, rubber auxiliaries and so on, which are used in various industrial production. Antistatic masterbatch may also fall into this category as it may be used in various industrial production.

The specific categorization may vary according to national or regional regulations and policies, and you are advised to categorize according to local laws, regulations and policies.