Negative-pressure ambulances, expensive "masks" in the fight against the epidemic

With the spread of this new coronavirus pneumonia outbreak, life has changed for all of us. Holidays have been extended, traffic has been restricted, offices have been put on line, and so on, and it can be argued that by not moving around, we are contributing to the fight against the epidemic. In this extraordinary period, there is a class of vehicles but to go forward, and the race against time, and where the most dangerous where you can see its figure, that is the ambulance.

Remember in the SARS outbreak period, when the age of small, as long as the road to hear the sound of the ambulance will feel a trace of nervousness, although the ambulance on the front line of medical workers full of admiration, but in the event of an epidemic will also be far from the ambulance. This time, although the new coronavirus is more violent than SARS, but we have matured in the face of the epidemic showed great determination, all sectors of the community have also donated love to support Wuhan and the whole of Hubei. Among them, as an automobile editor, I noticed the negative-pressure ambulance, a model that escorted medical workers and infected people in the aid of automobile companies.

What is a negative pressure ambulance?

Negative pressure ambulance, also called protective ambulance, and ordinary ambulances, negative pressure ambulance is the most important feature is that it can be "negative pressure isolation. And now the major hospitals in the intensive care unit of the negative pressure ward is similar, in the outbreak of infectious diseases, used for the safe isolation of infected people and transfer, and can effectively protect medical workers, as well as the outside environment from contamination, to prevent the further spread of the epidemic.

Working principle of negative pressure ambulance

Negative pressure ambulance in addition to ordinary ambulance professional rescue equipment, but also to ensure the safety and hygiene of the medical cabin, with isolation, anticorrosive, ventilated and resistant to bacteria. Through the negative pressure device inside the car, the air pressure inside the car is lower than the outside atmospheric pressure, so that the free flow of air can only flow from the outside of the car to the car, and the air inside the car will be discharged after harmless treatment. Make the negative pressure cabin form a fixed air circulation area. The air flows from the clean area (medical staff area), to the infection source area (patient area), and maintains the air pressure in the cabin between -10Pa to -120Pa, so as to minimize the dead space and vortex flow of the air flow. And make the clean air enter into the car from above and discharge from under the car, as far as possible to ensure that the head position of health care workers without pollution. And the contaminated air underneath, then through the exhaust and filtration device, turn into sterile air discharged to the outside of the car. This ensures safe isolation of medical personnel and the outside world while the patient is being transported.

Negative pressure ambulance manufacturers supporting the outbreak

1.? Jiangling Ford

In the news we can see more than once in Wuhan, some of the key treatment hospitals are using this Jiangling Ford Transit ambulance. At present, JLF has received orders for 1,000 ambulances, including 200 Transit negative-pressure ambulances, and JLF has set up an emergency response team to start production and transportation during the Spring Festival holiday to ensure that the Transit negative-pressure ambulances can reach the front line quickly to start work.

Jiangling Ford is also the largest brand in the support team, with 200 negative-pressure ambulances and 800 ordinary ambulances, the amount of bare cars without medical equipment is about 140 million yuan

2. SAIC Datsun

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) issued a production task of 60 negative-pressure ambulances to SAIC Datsun Automobile Co. during the Spring Festival holiday, which was coordinated by the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology. The ambulance is based on the SAIC Datsun V80, and the price of the 60 vehicles, excluding medical equipment, is about $9 million.

3. Fujian Benz

Fujian Benz, after receiving the notification from the "Material Protection Group of the National Joint Prevention and Control Working Mechanism for Responding to the Pneumonia Epidemic of the New Coronavirus Infection", urgently completed the production of 20 negative-pressure ambulances of Fujian Benz Vito, and urgently dispatched them to the infected areas overnight, which amounted to about 8 million yuan.

4. Brilliance Group

The Brilliance Group also received production orders from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and worked overtime to complete the production of 30 Jinbei G16 negative pressure ambulances. The cost involved was about 3 million dollars.

5. Beiqi Foton

Beiqi Foton is also one of the companies supporting the outbreak, to which the MIIT issued a production task of 25 negative pressure ambulances, with models of Tuyano, Scenic G9 and Scenic G7, which was coordinated by the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology. The cost involved is estimated at $3 million.

It can be seen that in fact the domestic ambulances are basically manufactured by our domestic enterprises producing commercial vehicles, and are completed by remodeling on the basis of mass-produced vehicles. Therefore, compared with donations to the general car companies, the ambulance is directly on the front line of a powerful weapon, but also to protect our "expensive mask". We would like to thank the major car companies for their contribution to the epidemic, and believe that with our concerted efforts, we can win this war without smoke as soon as possible. (Auto Review/Cheng Cheng)

This article comes from the author of the Auto Home car family number, does not represent the views of the Auto Home position.