Tell a true story, you will understand the rationale for this, there is a chemical plant in the south of the synthesis of high-temperature churning to do the pool, is a flat-bottomed raw materials are always Xu Huan into the bottom, into the bottom of the bottom, you have to laborers to go in to the digging every time, each time tens of thousands of dollars in costs but also a waste of materials, and later recruited from Wuhan University of Technology to the two college students, others to come to the month, this is a difficult to change the decision, designed into a conical bottom. Designed into a cone-shaped bottom, the factory benefits significantly better, there are about the cost of closing, however, but recruited is the road to unemployment of two college students, the reason is that the old boss said to change the decision to increase the benefits of a good increase in the field is a loss, set can not be more money, the equipment and change back, and indeed dangerous regulations contract to take a few tens of thousands of dollars to the two people copied off,. See this story should understand the mystery