Everyone uses their cell phones in a variety of environments throughout the day, and many people also like to use their phones in the bathroom, which can harbor a lot of harmful bacteria on the surface of the phone. The danger of cell phones to the human body does not only come from the source with radiation, bacteria is also the main cause of illness.
Once a test was done, the number of harmful bacteria carried on a smartphone was 20 times higher than on the handle of a toilet flushing, 12 times higher than on a pet's dinner plate, and 10 times higher than on a shoe. So it's even more important to get rid of the bacteria on your phone in a timely manner, as no one wants to be in the company of a bacteria virus on a daily basis.
SmartWash is a simple and fast way to sanitize a cell phone, and it doesn't cost much to effectively remove germs in a short period of time, whether you're using it yourself or serving customers in a store. Philip Tierno, a microbiologist and pathologist at New York University School of Medicine, has noted that it's smart to clean your cell phone regularly.
SmartWash kills germs primarily through ultraviolet disinfection technology, which employs a simple structure and smart design. uv-C ultraviolet light, or short-wave ultraviolet radiation, can be used to destroy bacteria, viruses, and other contaminants in the air, on liquids, or on the surfaces of other objects.
Ultraviolet radiation sterilization has been known since the 1930s and has long been used for disinfecting and sterilizing use in indoor environments. The healthcare industry has been using UV to sterilize rooms and equipment for many years. The Centers for Disease Control also recommends the use of UV lamps for germicidal operations. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) also recommends its use in response to bioterrorism.
The SmartWash is shaped like a cell phone case and can accommodate smartphones of all sizes. It is available in a variety of exterior colors for easy portability. Many people may worry that this way of sterilizing the phone may damage the phone, but in fact it is not necessary at all, because, the sterilizer does not damage the phone, it only shines ultraviolet light on it to sterilize it, and for safety reasons, the ultraviolet sterilizing device only starts working when the sterilizer is covered.
While the disinfection can be completed in 20 seconds, it is recommended that users wait patiently for the machine to work for 30 seconds in order to more completely remove the bacteria and viruses, and think about giving the phone a bath is to listen to the happy.
The phone sanitizer is currently being crowdfunded on Indiegogo at a discounted price of $45 for early adopters, but those who want to buy it will need to be patient for a while, as the SmartWash won't start shipping until December next year.