Why does Wesker want Ada to recover the Parasite in Resident Evil 4?
Wesker is now completely out of Umbrella, and he's now organized as Super Heros, another being comparable to Umbrella. His meet-and-greet gift includes, in addition to data and information on the T- and G-viruses, samples of the Veronica virus and a sample of Las Plagas's parasites that Ada brought on her last mission, which pleased the management of Super Heros and made them trust the undercover agent who had escaped from Umbrella even more.Wesker has always been the organization's Wesker had always been the organization's "superspy", and after years of waiting for Umbrella's biggest rival to fall, Wesker had never cared much for Umbrella, but thanks to Spencer and the Soviet's "selfless" help, it was possible for him to get the job done. But thanks to Spencer and the "selfless" help of the Soviets, his time in Umbrella was not too boring.