Sleep Technology for Sleep Machines

1. Based on their understanding of human sleep, researchers at the University of Wisconsin have developed a technology that uses magnetic pulses to promote sleep. In the study, the researchers used a special headgear to generate harmless electromagnetic waves from a standard medical device, the Cranial Magnetic Stimulation Machine, to stimulate the deep sleep nerves in the brain, which control "slow wave activity. By forcing the brain to receive electromagnetic waves, the patient's brain generates slow waves and enters a typical deep sleep state. EEG monitoring results show that the slow wave passes through the brain at a rate of about 1 second, and the slow wave activity time accounts for 20% of the total sleep time. This suggests that magnetic pulse stimulation can help those with severe chronic insomnia enter deep sleep very quickly.

2. Although there are many experts who are skeptical about the use of slow waves needed for deep sleep to treat similar insomnia, after learning about the changes in up and down during sleep, most agree with the statement, "Sleep is definitely more than as simple as turning the physiological switch off to rest." The medical community is also constantly exploring issues such as the changes that occur during sleep and their effects on human health. For the University of Wisconsin's scientific research, the medical community believes that experimental results show that magnetic signaling technology for chronic insomnia can provide relief to those who face "sleep disorders".