The telemedicine platform uses two

Telemedicine, which refers to a medical model that utilizes communication and information technology to achieve multiple medical functions such as off-site disease diagnosis, treatment and health care.

Telemedicine is referred to internationally as telemedicine, telehealth, and telecare.

The traditional definition of telemedicine is a special medical treatment that involves the administration of simple medical procedures to distant patients who are unable to come to the doctor. Modern telemedicine refers to a system of medical services for remote objects realized with the help of modern communication technology, and the use of telemedicine systems can be used to detect, monitor, and diagnose remote objects.

Telemedicine uses computers, communications, medical technology and equipment, through the data, text, voice and image data transmission over long distances, to realize the experts and patients, experts and medical personnel between the off-site "face-to-face" consultation. Telemedicine is not only a medical or clinical problem, but also includes communication networks, databases and other aspects of the problem, and the need to integrate them into the network system.