When was 300888 listed

300888 was listed on September 17th. 300888 stock, named Stable Medical, was listed on the GEM on September 17th. On the first day of trading, Steady Medical opened at $125, up $68 from the issue price . The stock closed at 126 percent.25 yuan rose 69 yuan.92 percent from the issue price; the market value reached 53.845 billion yuan at the closing price.

Steady Medical Profile

1. Against the backdrop of China's medical gauze products not being recognized by the international market in the 1990s, which were mainly exported as semi-finished products, Steady Medical Supplies Ltd (hereinafter referred to as Steady Medical) was one of the first Chinese enterprises to establish a whole industry chain of medical gauze from cotton procurement to spinning and weaving, with its products obtaining European Union CE certification, U.S. FDA The products have been certified by CE of EU, FDA of US and MHLW of Japan. The company is at the forefront of the market in the field of medical dressings, and in September 2020, the company landed on China's a-share market.

2. Steady Medical (30088888).SZ) is headquartered in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China, cotton as the core, cotton as the corewinner Steady Medical Purcotton Cotton Era PureH2B to achieve the coordinated development of the medical consumer plate of the three major brands of the Zinliang life healthcare enterprises. Specifically, the company has always insisted on cotton, fiber as the main business direction, through continuous innovation and expansion of the industry boundaries, the company from a single gauze medical dressing manufacturer to develop into cotton as the core raw material, mainly engaged in the research and development of cotton products, production, sales, covering the field of medical and health care, personal care, home care, mother and child care, home textile and clothing, large-scale health leading enterprises. At present, Winner stable health care has 19 primary and secondary wholly-owned holding subsidiaries.