What is the subject matter

The subject matter is the object to which the rights and obligations of the parties are directed, and is a specific term used in commercial contracts of sale, i.e., the object or commodity referred to in the contract of sale. In the concept of law, there is a certain difference between the subject matter and the subject. For example, in a house lease, the subject matter is the house lease relationship, while the subject matter is the house being leased.


The subject matter is a necessary term for the formation of a contract. In general, the subject matter of the contract can be divided into four categories:

I. Tangible property, refers to the existence of assets in the form of specific material products, such as money, inventory, machinery and equipment.

Two, intangible property, relative to tangible property, intangible assets are no physical form of non-monetary property. Intangible property mainly includes people's intellectual achievements, such as patents, trademarks and so on.

Three, labor, refers to provide others with some kind of use value of labor or services. Labor can be both to meet people's material needs, can also be to meet people's spiritual needs of labor or services, such as maintenance contract maintenance behavior.

four, the work product, refers to the performance of the contract in the performance of tangible or intangible objects, reflecting the performance behavior. Such as design drawings completed in the design contract.

Baidu Encyclopedia - Subject Matter