The procedure for the ECG examination is as follows:
1. Patient Preparation
Have the patient remove upper body clothing to ensure that the chest and extremities can be exposed. Clean and dry the skin in the measurement area to ensure that good electrode contact is obtained. Remind the patient to remain quiet during the measurement. An electrocardiogram (ECG) is a commonly used test to record and evaluate the electrical activity of the heart.
2. Installation of electrodes and leads
Using chest leads: six electrodes from V1 to V6 are affixed to specific locations on the patient's chest, namely, the right mid-clavicular line, the left mid-clavicular line, the right side of the fourth ribcage, the left side of the fourth ribcage, the left side of the fifth ribcage, and the left side of the sixth ribcage. Using the extremity leads: the three electrodes RA (right arm), LA (left arm) and LL (left leg) were pasted in the corresponding positions.
3. Perform ECG measurements
Connect the lead wires to the ECG machine and make sure the connection is secure. Start the ECG instrument and calibrate the instrument to ensure good signal quality. Start the recording function and keep the patient still until the recording is complete.
4. Interpretation of ECG results
The ECG results will show a graphical representation of the curve of the heart's electrical activity, including features such as P waves, QRS wave clusters, and T waves. A doctor or technician will analyze these features and interpret the ECG results to assess the health of the heart. Based on the abnormalities shown on the ECG, the doctor can further diagnose heart disease or monitor the effectiveness of treatment.
5. ECG Record Keeping and Archiving
After completing the ECG recording, the technician saves the ECG files either electronically or on paper. These record files are usually stored in the healthcare organization's database and can be reviewed and referenced at any time. The archiving of ECG records helps with future follow-up observations, comparative analysis, and treatment decisions.
The EKG exam procedure is one of the most important skills in the medical field, and accurate performance and interpretation of results play a vital role in proper diagnosis and treatment. Before performing the ECG operation, the operator must master the relevant knowledge and skills, and strictly follow the prescribed steps and operation specifications to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the measurement results.