What are the high-risk behaviors for transmitting AIDS?

People can get infected with HIV in the following ways: A. Unprotected sex A person can get infected with HIV if they have sex with a person who is infected with HIV and do not use a condom. Sexual behavior includes vaginal and anal sex.  Theoretically, HIV and other STDs can also be transmitted when oral sex is performed without a condom (male) or a covering such as a dental condom, female condom, or plastic wrap (female).  B. Unsafe blood,*** syringes and the use of medical devices that are not properly sterilized A person can be infected if he/she uses needles or syringes with a person who is infected with HIV*** for intravenous drug use, blood collection, or any activity that involves the act of piercing the skin. Tools used for piercing or tattooing also carry some risk of HIV transmission.  Inputting HIV-infected blood can also be infected with HIV.  Surgical equipment such as syringes and scalpels, and even used equipment for intravenous injections and blood transfusions can transmit HIV if not properly sterilized.