What are the requirements for instrument calibration?

A set of operations to determine, under specified conditions, the relationship between the values indicated by a measuring instrument or system, or represented by a physical gauge or reference material, and the corresponding values reproduced by a standard. Calibration may include the steps of verifying, correcting, reporting, or adjusting to eliminate any deviation in the accuracy of the measuring devices being compared.

The scope of instrument calibration:

Category A instruments and equipment refers to the measurement of the guarantee apparatus, included in the mandatory verification of the work of measuring instruments, product quality has a significant impact on the apparatus. A class of instruments should be developed for strict management and weekly inspection program, the verification should be strictly enforced verification procedures, calibration should also be clear cycle.

B type of instrumentation refers to general, accuracy requirements, product quality has a clear impact on the instrumentation. In principle, the verification cycle of such instruments and equipment should not exceed the longest cycle specified in the verification procedures, such as the need to work on its appropriate to reduce the verification of the project or only part of the verification can be used to calibrate, after the assessment of the test can be extended to the calibration cycle.

C type of instruments and equipment refers to the national provisions for one-time calibration and the state does not require instruments and equipment. Such instruments and equipment can be put into use after acceptance and calibration in the warehouse, the use of the process can be into the function check. Especially attached to the equipment on the meter.

Can be divided into: radio class instruments, electromagnetic class instruments, time and frequency class instruments, length class instruments, mechanical class instruments, thermal class and physical and chemical class instruments.

Basic requirements for instrument calibration:

The basic requirements that should be met by instrument calibration are as follows:

(1) Environmental conditions If the calibration is carried out in the calibration (calibration) room, the environmental conditions should meet the requirements of the laboratory temperature, humidity and other regulations. If the calibration is carried out in the field, the environmental conditions shall be subject to the conditions that can meet the field use of the instrument.

(2) Instrument The error limit of the standard instrument used for calibration shall be 1/3~1/10 of the error limit of the calibrated meter.

(3) Personnel Although the calibration is different from the verification, the personnel who carry out the calibration shall be validly assessed and obtain the corresponding qualified certificate, and only the certified personnel can issue calibration certificates and calibration reports, and only such certificates and reports shall be regarded as valid.


How the instrument should adopt the calibration.

In accordance with the definition of terms and the actual connotation, I believe that the verification should be used mainly for occasions where there is a legal system requirements, the occasion of no system requirements can be freely chosen according to the conditions; calibration is mainly used for the higher accuracy requirements, or by the conditions of the limitations, the need to use the lower accuracy of measuring instruments for the higher requirements of the measurement of the place; calibration is mainly used for the occasions of no calibration procedures for the new products, special measuring instruments, or relatively low accuracy requirements of the place; calibration is mainly used for new products, special measuring instruments, or the occasions of no calibration procedures. Or relatively low accuracy requirements of measurement and testing instruments and test hardware or software for testing. New products, special measuring instruments can also be used although there is a test procedure, but do not need or may not be able to fully meet the requirements of the regulations, but can meet the requirements of the use of the occasion.

In the ISO9000 series of standards in accordance with the quality certification and measurement and testing system to confirm and daily measurement of the work, the current understanding of the three ways and the requirements are very confusing, there are mainly three kinds of wrong tendency: First, the new situation is the requirements of the general set into the verification and management in accordance with the law; second is to disregard the national situation, the mechanical use of the relevant ISO standard phrases and phrases can not be corresponded to the reality; third is to ignore the The third is to ignore the difference between calibration, calibration, calibration, mixing with each other.