subscribe to the amount of shares. After the success of the equity crowdfunding, will be issued to the investors involved in crowdfunding proof of capital contribution, capital investment investors is the enterprise's shareholders, but the number of shareholders can not be more than 200 people, in addition, the equity of the initiator does not need to capitalize more than 50% of the company can also manage the company.
Operating modes of crowdfunding equity
1, on the Internet, through the sale of vouchers bundled with equity to crowdfunding, this mode is called voucher crowdfunding, this mode of contributors can not become shareholders, can only get the vouchers linked to the equity of entrepreneurial business projects
2, on the Internet, through the introduction of acquaintances to get entrepreneurial capital, this mode Called membership crowdfunding, the contributor will directly become a shareholder of the enterprise
3, on the Internet, the contributor with the purpose of looking for enterprises in need of financial help, pay a certain amount of money and require a return, this model is called angel crowdfunding, the model is very similar to the angel investment or VC model.
Equity, the rights of shareholders, has a broad and narrow sense. Equity, in the broad sense, refers to the rights that shareholders can claim from the company; equity, in the narrow sense, refers only to the rights that shareholders enjoy based on their qualification as shareholders to obtain economic benefits from the company and participate in the company's operation and management.
In the aggregate, equity refers to the rights that an investor enjoys as a result of investing in a civil partnership and in a corporate entity.
Investing in a partnership organization, the shareholders bear unlimited liability; investing in a legal person, the shareholders bear limited liability. So although both are equity, but there is still a difference between the two.
To the legal person investor's equity content: shareholders have the right to bear civil liability limited to the amount of investment; shareholders have the right to participate in the formulation and amendment of the articles of association of the legal person; shareholders have the right to serve as a legal person's manager or to decide on the right of the legal person's managerial candidates; participation in the general meeting of shareholders, the decision of the legal person's right to major issues; the right to dividends from the legal person of the enterprise; shareholders have the right to transfer according to law The shareholders have the right to transfer their shares in accordance with the law; have the right to recover the remaining property after the termination of the legal person. And these rights are derived from the shareholders to the legal person to enjoy the rights of investment.
To the partnership organization investor's equity, except for not enjoying the first of the above equity, the other corresponding rights are exactly the same.
Equity and property rights of legal persons and partnership organizations derive from the ownership of the invested property. The purpose of the investor's investment in the investee is to make profit, and the property is given to the investee to operate and assume civil liability, rather than giving the property to the investee. Therefore, the property rights of legal persons and the property rights of partnership organizations are rights of limited authorization nature. The right granted is the investee's property right, and the right retained in one's own hands and the right derived therefrom is the equity interest, if not granted. Both are incomplete ownership rights. The property rights of the investee mainly reflects the external form of investment property ownership, equity mainly represents the core content of investment property ownership.