Xiantao rural cooperative medical reimbursement address

The address for rural cooperative medical reimbursement in Xiantao is at the city health bureau.

The designated hospital for rural cooperative medical care in Xiantao is located in Xiantao City. Health Bureau, is the competent authority of local hospitals at all levels. Under the office, medical administration, health education, health care and other functional departments, in charge of food hygiene, the implementation of the law on medical practitioners, medical malpractice and other work.

Xiantao City, formerly known as Shinyang, east of Wuhan City, Hannan, Caidian District and Hanchuan City, west of Qianjiang City, adjacent to the south of the Dongjing River, and Honghu City, Jiali County, across the river, north of the Hanjiang River and Tianmen, Hanchuan City, is the jurisdiction of Hubei Province, county-level city.