1. current: generally, the larger the number a, the higher the number of revolutions of the fan, and the calculation unit is ampere.
2. Circuit power: In general, the higher the number of blades, the greater the wattage, and the calculation unit is W watts.
3. Air volume: The larger the number, the stronger the air volume, and the calculation unit is CFM (cubic feet per minute).
4. Wind pressure: The larger the number, the stronger the wind pressure, and the calculation unit is mm-H2O (physical gaseous unit, millimeter water column).
5. Fan blade revolutions: RPM is closely related to the vibration, wind cutting sound and running noise of the fan, and the calculation unit is RPM (revolutions per minute).
6. Voltage: The standard voltage of computer fan is DC 12V, which can be reduced to 7V or 5V according to the manufacturer's specifications and user's mute requirements. The speed of the fan will slow down, and the noise such as bearing sound and wind cutting sound will be reduced, in exchange for which the air volume and wind pressure will also be weakened, and the calculation unit is V volts.