1, the working principle is different: the pipe rolling machine is a kind of equipment used to roll the drilling casing, connecting the casing by rotating and rolling. It mainly realizes the connection by rolling the threads of the casing. While full rotary casing rig is a kind of equipment used for drilling borehole and construction, it carries out drilling operation by rotating the drill bit and lifting the drill pipe.
2, the scope of application is different: pipe rolling machine is mainly used in oilfield, natural gas development and other drilling projects for connecting and installing drilling casing. It is suitable for smaller diameter casing. And the full rotary casing drilling rig is suitable for drilling operations in all kinds of soil and rock formations, and is widely used in oil exploration, water well construction, geological survey and other fields.
3, the operation mode is different: the pipe rolling machine requires the operator to put the casing into the machine and realize the connection of the casing by adjusting the parameters and controlling the operation. And the full rotary casing drilling rig has to be operated by the operator to carry out complex operations, including controlling the descent of the drill pipe, rotating the drill bit, mud circulation and so on.