Fluke Thermal Imaging Cameras Instrument Description

Infrared cameras were first developed for military purposes, but in recent years they have rapidly expanded into civilian industry. Since the 1970s, a number of developed countries in Europe and the United States have begun to use infrared cameras to explore various fields. After decades of development, thermal imaging cameras have evolved into very lightweight field test equipment. As the test often produces little difference in the temperature field and the field environment is complex and other factors, a good thermal imaging camera must have 320 * 240 pixels, resolution of less than 0.1 ℃, spatial resolution is small, with infrared and visible image synthesis function. Because infrared thermal imaging technology can be non-contact, high-resolution temperature imaging, can generate high-quality images, can provide measurement of the target of the many information, to make up for the lack of human eyes, so has been in the electric power system, civil engineering, automotive, metallurgy, petrochemical, medical and many other industries have been widely used in the future prospects for development is more unlimited.