The first point of concern for most people is the fast transmission speed brought by the 5G network, how fast will it be, theoretically, it will reach a download speed of 1.25Gb per second, and now the 4G network, more than a dozen Mb per second, less than a few Mb per second network speed, 5G network from the speed is already greatly exceeded the 4G network.
After entering the 4G era, the speed of 4G cell phones can already meet the needs of our usual life, we play games 4G cell phones can complete its basic network needs, we watch videos and communicate with friends will not feel a significant delay.
When we first had 2G networks, basically no one used their cell phones to access the Internet, and in just over a decade, 4G networks have completely changed the way we live.
5G networks are faster than we need them to be, bringing about many changes in society. 4G networks, even though they are faster, still have a certain transmission delay, and 5G networks, will greatly reduce that delay.
For example, when we talk on the phone, there's still a delay of a few seconds between the time you dial the other side of the phone and the time the other side receives your call request, but 5G networks will reduce that delay to a fraction of a second.
Of course, people basically don't care about this latency, but combined with modern cloud and AI technologies and so on, this very low latency is going to make a huge difference to our lives.
G Smartphones are going to get a lot smarter. How to say, just like now we on Taobao on Jingdong, these sites they will be through some algorithms from your usual buy things, prices, deduce your level of consumption, so as to give you the right price recommended goods, cell phones can also do similar behavior.
With the popularization of cloud technology, now people have begun to give some of the functional requirements to the cloud server to solve, and we only need to through the people terminal such as cell phones or computers, to get the server feedback data, you can get the results of complex calculations.
If the 5G network can achieve full coverage, the network speed will be widely increased, and computers may one day not need a network cable. Maybe we'll be able to surf the web with just a monitor, and no more hardware.
As mentioned earlier, there are many things we can do on top of cloud servers as cloud technology begins to spread.
With the arrival of 5G networks, reducing the delay in transmission, we can use a display to be a medium to receive information, and all the programs, the operation of the web page can be completely thrown to the cloud server operation, the display is only responsible for receiving the video signal.
In a nutshell, the average individual user doesn't need to buy a high-end CPU, doesn't need to buy a particularly expensive graphics card, and can enjoy a high-end configuration experience with a single display.