I have not done it myself, nor have I explored how to do it. Willing to provide a little reference.
Loud and clear: experimentation is dangerous! Extremely prone to personal injury! Opposed to students conducting real experiments!
(1) simple materials:
100-watt incandescent light bulb 1
High-voltage DC generator 1 (a few kilovolts, the need to output current is very small)
2cm * 2cm piece of iron 1 piece
Wire a number of
(2) Connection:
Small piece of iron affixed to the bulb, connected to the high-voltage positive terminal. High-voltage negative pole connected to either pole of the bulb
The bulb is connected to the 220-volt mains.
When connected, there is a flow of electrons from the bulb hitting the small iron piece, which produces X-rays.
(3) principle: the filament of the electrons in the high-voltage "pull" under some of the electrons flying to the iron, a strong collision to produce X-rays.
(4) verification: black paper wrapped in photographic film, wrapped in aluminum foil with a hollow pattern, placed in front of the iron sheet "photographic" after rinsing and observation.