What are the uses of silkworms


Varieties of Silkworm

Mulberry Silkworm

Also known as the domestic silkworm, one of the economic insects that spits out silk cocoons with mulberry leaves as food. It belongs to Lepidoptera, Silkworm Moth family, scientific name Bombyx mori Linaeus. mulberry silkworm originated in China, its development temperature is 7-40 ℃, feeding temperature for 20-30 ℃, mainly distributed in temperate, subtropical and tropical areas.

The mulberry silkworm is an oligophagous insect, in addition to eating mulberry leaves, but also can eat Tsuge leaves, kozo leaves, elm leaves, duck onions, thin Gongying and lettuce leaves, mulberry leaves is the most suitable natural food for silkworms. Silkworm is a completely metamorphic insect, life through the egg, larva, pupa, adult four morphology and physiological functions of completely different development stages. One of the larval stage in the appropriate temperature conditions, from hatching to spitting cocoon needs 22-26d, a silkworm life about eating mulberry leaves 20-25g, generally by four sleep and molt, to the growth of extreme, the weight of about 10,000 times. The last age of eating mulberry leaves accounted for more than 85% of the total amount of mulberry leaves. Mulberry cocoons can be reeling, silk is an excellent textile fiber, is the raw material of silk. The pupa of the silkworm can be eaten, silkworm moths and silkworm feces are comprehensive utilization, is the raw material of a variety of chemical and pharmaceutical industries.

Quercus serrata

Feeding on the leaves of Quercus serrata, it is an insect that spits out silk cocoons. It belongs to Lepidoptera, family of large silkworm moths, scientific name Antherea pernyi Guerin-Meneville. native to China, the development temperature is 8 - 30 ℃, the development of the appropriate temperature for 11-25 ℃, the most suitable temperature for 22-24 ℃. It is mainly distributed in China. In North Korea, South Korea, Russia, Ukraine, India and Japan and other countries also a small number of distribution.

The serpentine silkworm feeds on the leaves of Quercus serrata, Quercus mongolica, Quercus serrata and other plants of the family Crustacea, and also feeds on the leaves of Artemisia, Corydalis, chestnuts, maples, pears, apples, etc. The serpentine silkworm is a completely metamorphic insect, with a temperature of 11-25℃. Quercus serrata is a completely metamorphosed insect, which undergoes four developmental stages with completely different morphology and physiological functions in its life: egg, larva, pupa and adult. It sleeps and molts four times. Each molt 1 time, incremental 1 age. A silkworm from hatching to the age of 5 mature cocoon needs about 50d, spring silkworms eat leaves for a lifetime about 30-35g, autumn silkworms eat leaves 50-58g. which the big silkworms eat leaves accounted for more than 80% of the total amount of leaf eating. The weight of spring silkworms is 14g, and that of fall silkworms is about 21g. The weight of spring silkworms is 14g, and that of fall silkworms is 21g. When the growth is extreme, the weight of sericulture increases by about 2000-3000 times compared with that of ant silkworms respectively. Cocoons of sericea can be reeled, sericea silk is the raw material of sericea silk, sericea pupa is edible, and moths are the raw material of chemical industry, medicine and food industry. The eggs are a good intermediate host for the red-eyed wasp for biological control.

The castor silkworm

The castor silkworm leaves as food, spitting cocoon of one of the economic insects. Belongs to the Lepidoptera, large silkworm moth family, scientific name Philosamia cynthiaricini Boisduval. Castor silkworms are native to Assam in northeastern India, the 18th century began to spread from India, China, the United States, Sri Lanka, Malta, Italy, the Philippines, Egypt, Japan, North Korea and other countries successively introduced to breed. One generation of castor worms passes through four developmental stages: egg, larva, pupa and adult. Egg stage after about 10d, larvae 4 sleep 5 age of 20d, pupa stage is about 20d, complete a generation after about 45-50d. Egg stage at 16.5 ℃ or 32 ℃ or more are difficult to hatch, the appropriate temperature of 25 ℃ or so; larvae in the rearing of the appropriate temperature of 24 ℃ or so; pupa stage of the protection of the temperature of 25 ℃ or so is appropriate, the relative humidity of 75% - 90%. To the extreme growth, weight 7g up and down, about 5400 times more than the ant silkworm.

Castor cocoons can not reeling, can only be used as raw materials for silk spinning, spinning castor silk. There are also mixed spinning with mulberry silkworm waste silk, quassia waste silk, ramie, chemical fibers and other mixed spinning castor spinning silk.

Cassava silkworm

Cassava silkworms to cassava as feed, the production of commonly known as cassava silkworms. The actual is the castor silkworm. 1956 Cenxi County, Guangxi trial cassava leaves to feed castor silkworm success, and later expanded to neighboring counties to feed, in the said cassava silkworm. Guangdong, Fujian has also raised. Its habits and characteristics are the same as the castor silkworm.

Mason-based silkworm

Castor beans to horse mulberry leaves as feed, production commonly known as horse mulberry silkworms. 1965 Hunan Province, Miao Autonomous Prefecture sericulture experimental station with wild horse mulberry leaves to feed castor beans successful. Because of the name of the horse mulberry silkworm. Raised with horse mulberry silkworms than castor leaves, the development of silkworms slow, full age to grow into 2-4d, but the weight of the cocoon layer is the same, up to 0.34-0.42g. Hunan, Hubei, Guizhou, Sichuan, Guangxi, Gansu, Shaanxi and other provinces have also bred. Its habits and characteristics are the same as the castor silkworm.

Whitley's silkworm

The castor silkworm. It is the phonetic name of castor silkworm. The origin of the castor silkworm is the Alom in northeastern India, the local people called castor quot;eri", the Japanese will eri-silkworm "eri" phonetic translation for "Huili". When the Chinese introduced the castor silkworm. Also known as "Huili silkworm", because "Huili" means feeding affordable, profitable, easy to promote. At that time, some people in China also eri - silkworm translated as "love Li silkworm", "Ili silkworm".


The leaves of plants of the genus Quercus of the family Crustacea, such as Liaodong quercus, Mongolian quercus, tethered quercus, pointed quercus and other leaves as a diet of spitting cocoon of one of the economic insects. Belongs to Lepidoptera, big silkworm moth family, also known as mountain silkworm, scientific name Antheraea yamamai Guerin-Meneville. mainly distributed in China, North Korea, South Korea, Japan and other places. Antheraea yamamai Guerin-Meneville is a monotrophic, fully metamorphosed insect, with an egg stage of about 270 d. The larval stage lasts from hatching to fruiting. Larval stage from hatching to cocooning 4 sleep 5 age need 50-60d, cocooning to pupation 7-8d, pupation to feathering adult need 20-30d, the appropriate temperature for warming the eggs for 18 ℃, relative humidity of 75% - 85%; Feathering optimal temperature of 22 - 26 ℃. To the extreme growth, weight 17-20g about 4000 times more than the ant silkworm.

The cocoon color is green, can reeling, silk beautiful, light and soft, do not need to be dyed and can maintain the natural green, and has a unique luster. Woven into silk colorful, beautiful, is a high-level silk fabrics.

Amber Silkworm

The heather leaves as a diet of spitting cocoon one of the economic insects, also known as Assam or Mja silkworm. Lepidoptera, large silkworm moth family, scientific name Antheraea Assama. Question? The generation of hyper barrel (4)? The vanadium field to scratch the crippling K eggplant? Th decorative Lu Ren?4 - 25 ℃, relative humidity of 75% - 80%, the temperature exceeds 35 ℃, relative humidity below 65%, the larvae are difficult to survive. Amber silkworms can eat the leaves of several plants, the main food heather leaves, but also eat the leaves of evergreen trees such as Rubiaceae, tiger's thorn, as well as the leaves of the genus Hamamelis, camphor and other plants. It is polymorphic and can be harvested 4-5 times a year. The larval stage generally takes 25-35d from hatching to cocooning, 2-3d for cocooning, 3-4d for egg laying, and the egg period is 7-8d in summer and 14-15d in winter.

The cocoon color is golden-yellow, and it can be reeled. Silk is tough with amber luster, because some call it "amber silkworm", and its weaving for the production of valuable clothing.

Camphor silkworm

The camphor tree leaves as food, spitting cocoon one of the economic insects. Also known as the silkworm, maple silkworm, fishing silk worm, etc.. Belongs to Lepidoptera, big silkworm moth family, scientific name Eriogyna (Saturnia) pyretoum Westwood. camphor silkworms mainly eat camphor leaves, silk quality is better, but also moths to eat maple leaves, cabinet willows leaves, wild rose, sand pear, tomato pomegranate, purple shell wood and Ko leaves, but the quality of the silk is poorer. The main areas are China, Vietnam, India and other countries, the largest production is China's Hainan Island. The camphor silkworm is one generation per year, and the pupal state is stagnant. The optimal temperature for adult plumage is 16 - 17 ℃. Camphor silkworm *** by 8 age, the whole age of about 80 d. Mature female silkworm weight 16 g, male silkworm 10 g. Breeding camphor silkworms are generally not allowed to cocoon, but in its maturity, the first ripe silkworms immersed in the water, and then manually its 2-3 abdominal feet between the tearing of the silkworm abdomen, take out the two silk glands immersed in glacial acetic acid (concentration of 2.5%), 5-7min, that is, the silk pulling can be pulled long to 200cm or so, after washing. It can be stretched to about 200cm, smooth and transparent after washing, tough and water-resistant, transparent and shadowless in the water, which is the best fishing platform. About 1,000 can be drawn 500g, in addition to the fishing platform, but also can be refined into a surgical quality suture. Camphor silkworm cocoons can also be reeled, but the number is very small, the world only China produces camphor silkworm silk.

Chestnut silkworm

Walnut leaves, chestnut leaves as the main diet, spitting cocoon of one of the economic insects. Belongs to the Lepidoptera, big silkworm moth family, scientific name Dicty-opoea japonica Moore. distributed in China, Japan and other places. Mainly eat walnut, chestnut, apricot, maple and poplar, Jade, Tochigi, camphor, elm and other leaves. The cocoon of walnut leaves is heavy and thick, and the cocoon of Dei and chestnut leaves is poorer. In Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Jiangxi, Guangxi and other provinces, one generation is completed each year, overwintering with eggs. There are wild cases, the larvae in May is late hatching, 4 sleep or 5 sleep, mature in late June, after 50d or so mature cocoon, cocoon appearance is lantern-shaped, with varying sizes of mesh. Cocoon takes about 2d, after 3-5d pupa, cocoon can be reeling, can also be used as raw material for silk spinning, silk quality is excellent. Chestnut silkworms can also be taken out of the silk gland from the abdomen of mature silkworms, soaked in acid and stretched for fishing silk or medical silk.

Simaroubaceae silkworm

The main food simaroubaceae tree leaves (stinky toon), and eat sebiferum, castor, holly, hilarious, paulownia, sycamore, camphor leaves and other spitting cocoon of economic insects. Belongs to Lepidoptera, big silkworm moth family, scientific name Philo samia cyntia Walker et Fdlker. also known as tsubaki silkworm, small sapium silkworm. It is distributed in China, Japan, India and other countries. In China, it is distributed in Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Sichuan and other provinces. The chemotaxis is 1-, 2-, or 4-chemotaxic. In cold areas, it is 1-chemical, and in Taiwan, it is 4-chemical. Silkworm period of 30-40d. mature silkworms set 2-3 leaves spitting silk cocoon. Cocoon gray-brown, fusiform, apical holes, with a long thin cocoon stalk, cocoon weight of about 3g, cocoon layer weight of about 0.3g, cocoon layer rate of 10% - 12%. Rural areas are generally reeling earth silk, woven silk called Tsubaki silk.

Sapium sebiferum silkworm

Sapium sebiferum silkworm cocoon one of the economic insects, belongs to the Lepidoptera, the big silkworm moth family, scientific name Attacus a tlas Linnaeus. also known as the big mountain silkworm, the big sapium sebiferum silkworm. Distributed in China, India, Japan, Vietnam and other countries. In China, it is mainly found in Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian and other provinces. 2 or 3 forms, overwintering in pupal form, with April-November being the feeding season. Eats coral tree leaves, also eats sapium leaves,, cow's ear maple, holly leaves and so on. The larval stage 6 or 7, spring and summer silkworms full age of about 35d, fall silkworms about 40d. Full cocoon weight 6.5-10g, cocoon layer weight 0.9-1.1g, cocoon layer rate of about 10%,. The cocoon can be spun silk, with good elongation, and the silk weaving is called "Communicator" silk.

Willow Silkworm

Willow Silkworm

Willow Silkworm

is one of the economic insects that spits silk cocoon, belongs to the Lepidoptera, the family of the large silkworm moths, with the scientific name of Actias selene Hubner. it is also known as the large green moth silkworm, the middle sebaceous silkworm. Distributed in China, Japan, India and other countries. It is found in all parts of China. Willow silkworm 1 year 2-3 generations (rarely 4 generations), to pupa overwintering. Mainly eat willow, maple poplar, Sapium sebiferum, camphor, paulownia and other leaves. Mature silkworms in the leaves between the cocoon, cocoon shape large, dark brown, can reel more than 300m.


Silkworm #cán

Interpretation of insects. The larva matures and spits out silk to make a cocoon, in which it turns into a pupa, and the pupa turns into a silkworm moth. There are many kinds of silkworms such as the domestic silkworm, the serpentine silkworm, the castor silkworm and so on. Silk is the raw material for weaving silk. China is the world's first country to raise silkworms.

Sericulture #cánshí The silkworm eats mulberry leaves one bite at a time. Metaphor for gradual encroachment: Silkworm Policy | Silkworms Eating Neighboring Countries.

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Silkworm <name>

(Morph. Original meaning: an insect that spits out silk and makes cocoons)

The same meaning

Those who are covered with silk are not silkworm breeders. Silkworm room); Silkworm spirit (silkworm god); Silkworm molt (silkworm sleep skin)

Silkworm. The work of raising silkworms

Luoshi is good at silkworms.

Another example is: 蚕功(蚕事);蚕母(蚕母)

蚕 <动>


蚕 cán同 "蚕"。" Simplified form of "silkworm".

①Insect name. The larvae can spit silk, cocoon. There are silkworms, sericulture and so on. Cocoon silk is an important fiber resource.

② sericulture.

③ Silkworm; the work of raising silkworms.


⑤ By extension, an aggressor.

6 Short for Silkworm Cong, the legendary pioneer of Shu. See also "Silkworm".

7 See "Silkworm".

Silkworm tiǎn 1. An alias for earthworm.