Building electrical

The first item is the rated load, that is, the total load of the equipment or project

The second item is the need for the coefficient, the project under normal circumstances is generally not possible to run at full load, if calculated according to the full load will result in an increase in the budget and waste of the project, so it is necessary to multiply the coefficient of need by a factor of less than one. This coefficient is determined by the size of the project, to be honest, this has the design experience in it, the coefficient of the residential building is determined by the number of households, you can check the table.

The following this I will not say.

The product of the first and second for the calculated load

Calculated load divided by 0.38 and then divided by the root 3, continue to divide the power factor 0.8 (that is, the third) is the fourth calculated current

You can verify, huh?

Generally, the root 3 times 0.38 = 0.658 remember this number can be used directly after

You alone from the above values can not see the significance of the source of these numbers.