Syringes belong to recyclables
We are usually hospitalized with syringes, cotton pads, IV bottles, cotton swabs and so on these belong to the medical waste, there will be a professional treatment institutions to deal with these things, if the syringes are in our personal hands, the garbage should be put into the recyclable bin when you put it in the garbage, though It belongs to the medical waste, but at the same time it is also plastic products, is also considered a kind of white waste, can be incinerated to deal with.
Because medical waste has the characteristics of space contamination, acute contagion and latent contamination, its viruses, germs and bacteria are dozens, hundreds or even thousands of times more harmful than ordinary household waste. If not handled properly, it will cause serious pollution of the environment and may also become the source of epidemic disease.
Medical waste in the total weight of 92% of the components for the combustible components, non-combustible components of only 8%, at a certain temperature and sufficient oxygen conditions, can be completely burned into ash. Incineration treatment is a deep oxidizing chemical process, under the action of high temperature flame, incineration equipment within the medical waste after drying, ignition, incineration of three stages will be transformed into residue and gas, pathogenic microorganisms and harmful substances in the incineration process is also due to high temperature and effectively destroyed, but also effectively realize the reduction of capacity and weight. The incineration method is applicable to a variety of infectious medical waste, is the mainstream technology in the field of medical waste treatment.