Destiny 2 March 17, 2021 update content details Ice Shadow series weakened at a glance

Destiny 2 official will be in the March 17, 2021 update to the Ice Shadow series weakened, some players may not be clear, the following take a look at the Destiny 2 March 17, 2021 update content details.

Destiny 2 March 17, 2021 update content details

In the upcoming new patch on March 17, the Ice Shadow series of skills mostly in the PVP was nerfed, but this wave of nerfing basically should also be expected by most people, rather, instead of expected nerfing came a little late. This accompanied by the Shadow on the new element into the game will quickly dominate all PVP modes, full of flying whirlwinds and ice walls all over the ground have made many players complained, the entire PVP environment seems to have become a not with ice elemental entry is very difficult to win the situation, but this weakening in the end can bring much improvement? Although we will have to wait for the patch to go live before making a decision, let's try to predict these changes by translating them one by one.


Shattering Dive

- Remove damage reduction from Shattering Dive.

- Adds a 4 second cooldown to Crushing Dive.

Hunter's Ice Shadow talent on the PVP environment of the impact of the **** to see, aside from the visual interference of the great moves to say, broken dive this skill also led directly to the birth of some new combos - such as throwing grenades ice wall and then crushed with broken dive descent to break the fast landing, but also comes with damage reduction, but also can be reversed to deal damage again. Can also be reversed to cause damage, for the original mobility of the powerful hunter to bring a more powerful killing ability, the combination of skills instantaneous broken brought super high damage also let the hunter in the new season on the track invincible. This patch removes the damage reduction from Crushing Dive and adds a 4-second cooldown to it. This means that Hunters will be easier to kill in a matchup and will need to plan to unleash this skill. Looking at the changes to Crushing Dive alone doesn't really have a big impact on these new combo playstyles, after all, it's not like you're using this skill every second of a fight, but the linked weakening of Crystal Crushing damage can be said to have completely brought these new playstyles to the bottom of the heap, and it's worth noting here that both of these changes are also in effect in PVE, which I don't quite understand what Sticky Chicken is getting at, as the Ice Hunter isn't very good at surviving in PVE, and doesn't feel the need to link to PVE. I don't really understand what Stick Chicken means, Ice Hunters are not good in PVE, and it doesn't feel necessary to cut even this little bit of damage reduction in PVE.

Blade of Blight

- Reduced Blade of Blight's damage to players from 90 to 65, leaving PvE damage unchanged.

- Reduced Blight's slow tier on players from 60 to 40. PvE slow tier has not been changed.

- Reduced Blight's target acquisition range after hitting a player from 12 to 8 m. Target acquisition range in PvE has not been changed.

Ice Hunter in PVP, another powerful point lies in its darts, unlike the fire talent of the balance of the flying dagger, Ice Shadow darts damage and target capture ability is very scary, the troops did give it a hard knife, not only weakened the damage of the darts, but also cut down the range of the pursuit of the enemy 4 meters long, slowing down the impact of what is not very big. This weakening can be said to have a great impact on the ice hunter, it may be difficult to see long-distance darts to kill this situation, most of the cases in two consecutive darts may not be able to hit the death of a person's probability of the situation will occur. But thankfully these nerfs won't be in PVE, and PVE players who like dart kills will still be able to continue to enjoy them.


Glacial Shock

- Removed the ranged freezing effect when unleashing Ultra. In PvE it will still freeze surrounding enemies when unleashing superpowers.

Meaning it gives you a chance to counter kill, but in reality it's a high probability that you'll still get killed.

- Damage reduction in Hyper has been reduced from 60% to 50%.

It doesn't feel like it has much of an impact, most Titans have full toughness pulls and aren't short on that damage reduction

- Battlecry Strike drain in Glacial Shock has been increased from 3% of Hyper Energy to 7% of Hyper Energy.

- Using the combo of Battle Chestnut Strike and Pounding Ground will now consume the super energy drain of light and heavy attacks stacked together (previously it would only consume the super energy drain of heavy attacks).

These two will be slightly more of a handful for Ice Titans, which can be interpreted to mean that there are now fewer attacks that can be played until the end of the ult, and that strong state of taking a normal to rush is sort of stifled a bit, and Ice Titans will need to plan their normal usage after they turn on the big one a little bit better, but in reality, it's not like anyone will care about this in a normal PVP game.

Battlecry Strike

- Increased the rate at which Battlecry Strike falls when a player is slowed, making them more likely to be hit.

Spitball: is this something that could be interpreted as: encouraging everyone to test with the Ice talent? Just kidding, this slowed down fall, if it's significant, makes it substantially more likely that you'll be killed by an enemy remotely with a gunshot, which is still a pretty impressive nerf overall.

Overall, the Titan's weakening compared to the hunter a little painless, but the actual ice Titan in PVP in the ability to dominate is not much less than the hunter, or that old saying, Titan in PVP itself is in a strong position, compared to the hunter's operation of the lower limit of the profession, the Titan in the hands of the hands of the high and low players to play the ability to play will not be so different from that of the big, coupled with a variety of gold armor. Plus a variety of gold support, this profession has become a in some cases brainless strong profession, and now there are new gold born such as "one punch superman" this kind of stronger play, although this time to cut a little bit, but the damage has not moved at all, then expected down the Titan should be the patch after the impact of the smallest one, although these changes will even be implemented into the PVE. Will even be installed to PVE, but, honestly, PVE Titan he will be even less lack of this damage reduction is not it.


Winter's Fury

- Improved the tracking of Winter's Fury's trajectory, which now fades over 10 seconds instead of the previous 2.2 seconds.

- Increased the detonation radius of Warlock Hyper Ballistics from 1.5 meters to 1.65 meters.

- Detonation radius now gradually decreases over time from its highest value to 40% of its highest.

Half-Shadow Shock

- Reduced Half-Shadow Shock's damage to the player from 80 to 30. PvE damage has not been changed.

Ice Flame Missile

- Fixed an issue where Ice Flame Missile continually tried to change targets.

- Increased the target acquisition range of Ice Flame Missile by 33%.

- Increased the turn speed of Ice Flame Missiles, making it easier for them to hit nearby targets.

Chaos Touch

- Reduced the amount of Hyper Energy returned when ending Chaos Touch early.

We'll synthesize the changes for Warlock, first of all, Warlock distinguishes itself from the other two professions by having a few enhancements along with the nerfs, which in general can be interpreted as a reduction in ranged skill damage (which was not lowered in PVE), and an increase in missile tracking ability. In addition to the damage of the penumbra impact weakened, all other changes at the same time in the PVE synchronization of the actual installation, so this change rather than PVP, rather than strengthen the PVE warlock, but how many warlocks will be in the PVE to play the ice, this will be on-line to see the actual situation.


The Twilight Grenade

- Reduced the ability of the Twilight Grenade to pull players, reducing the pulling range from 9.5 meters to about 6 meters. the PvE pulling distance remains unchanged.

- Reduced the number of slowing tiers granted to players when the grenade detonates from 20 to 10. PvE's slowing tiers for detonation have not been changed.

- Reduced the number of tiers of mitigation per damage dealt by grenades from 10 to 5. The number of tiers of mitigation per damage dealt by grenades in PvE has not been changed.

- Adjusted the UI display for slow status so that the number of slow tiers will now be displayed as X/100 instead of X/10. This change will provide a clearer guide when stacking slow tiers of less than 10.

Reducing the grenade's slowing ability doesn't feel like it's going to do much good. In fact, most of the time the grenade's effect is to restrict movement rather than to hit directly, so we'll see what happens when it goes live.

Ice Shadow Crystal

- Reduced the damage done to the player when the crystal shatters from [max 85, min 55] to [max 55, min 25]. no change to PvE damage.

This nerf has a huge impact, especially on the Hunter, Titan depends on the actual situation, after all, it is not just the Hunter who relies on Crystal Shattering to deal damage, Titan also has the same operation of the Slide Shovel to hit the crystals, but not as reliant as the Hunter.

Chained Whisper

- Chained Whisper's damage reduction has been reduced from 25% to 5% while in Ultra. Damage reduction when not in Ultra has not been changed. This change is only for damage from Guardians.

To put it bluntly: you'll be easier to kill, but as far as the current gameplay experience goes, with no less or less of this mitigation you're getting killed in seconds, it doesn't seem to make a difference.

Tormented Whispers

- Fixed an issue where players could consistently trigger Tormented Whispers while standing in an opponent's Light Barrier.

This is a bug fix, and not many people would have intentionally used it in the first place.

Ice Shadow Shard Quests

- Significantly reduced the need to complete all Melting Pot Arena Shard Quests.

Stick Chicken finally found these quests troublesome as well, so why not other ones like Wisdom, optimize them as well, ugh.

Finally summarized: in the next PVP ice environment, the hunter big cut, titan small cut, warlock slightly enhanced, specific wait for the actual installation later to see it, estimated and predicted the difference will not be very big.