Integrated wastewater treatment equipment specific operation process
In order to improve the efficiency of the work to prevent accidents the following for you to introduce the integration of wastewater treatment equipment specific operation process:
1, debugging personnel first turn on the inlet valve, the outlet valve, start the equipment inlet lifting water pump, will be the conditioning pool of sewage bailing to the equipment.
2, the initial operation and commissioning of the equipment, when the water level reaches 1/2 height of the equipment to suspend the water pump, open the fan inlet valve, open the fan, slowly open the fan outlet valve, to the contact oxidation pool aeration for 48 hours before starting the inlet lifting pump will be attending the sewage to the equipment 3/4, and then to the pool aeration for 24 hours.
3, with a hand touching the filler can have a sticky feeling, while watching the water microbial growth, until the filler grows a layer of orange-yellow biofilm, before the continuous delivery of sewage to the equipment, the amount of water should be gradually increased to the design of the amount of water.
4, regular observation of microbial growth in the water, found abnormalities should be adjusted in time to control the amount of water into the water.
5, to see the two sinking tank water flow pattern, the water weir collection needs to be average, ordinary every 24 hours need to discharge mud, sludge discharge, turn on the sludge solenoid valve, the application of air lifting sewage treatment equipment, two sinking tank sludge lifting to the sludge tank.
6, according to the needs of the disinfectant pool to participate in the disinfectant, the two sinking tank water through the disinfectant dosing tank, the agent is partially dissolved to achieve the purpose of disinfection. After the treated water stays in the clear water tank for about 0.5 hours, it reaches the discharge request, and can discharge the water body to the outside world.
7, equipment commissioning is completed and normal operation, the system can enter automatic operation. The scene will be the pump, fan operation switch in automatic operation state, because the electrical operation control cabinet is the application of PLC automatic control program, in the equipment factory has been to the programming, operation without separate settings.
8, the user should from time to time on the water quality in accordance with the environmental discharge requirements to stop testing to ensure the normal operation of the equipment.