Radioactive substances or equipment that can generate free radiation shall be exempted from the provisions of this Law if one of the following conditions is met:
A radioactive substance whose activity concentration per unit mass does not exceed that listed in column 2.
The activity of radioactive material does not exceed those listed in column 3.
3. The following commodities shall not contain radioactive material in excess of the established limits:
1. Watches and clocks: containing tritium in an amount not exceeding one billion (1E+9) becquerels, or (7)-147 not exceeding ten million (1E+7) becquerels.
2. Smoke alarms for gases or particles: containing not more than one million (1E+6) becquerels of locks - two-four-one.
3, microwave receiver protection tube: containing tritium not more than six billion (6E + 9) Baker, or (7)-147 not more than 10 million (1E + 7) Baker.
4. Nautical compasses: those containing not more than thirty billion (3E+10) becquerels of tritium.
5. Other navigational instruments: those containing not more than ten billion (1E+10) becquerels of tritium.
6. Escape lights: containing not more than 300 billion (3E+11) becquerels of tritium.
7. Compass: containing no more than 10 billion (1E+10) becquerels of tritium.
8. Sighting devices for military use, carrying handles, aiming standards: those containing no more than 400 billion (4E+11) Bq of tritium.
Four of the following equipment that can generate free radiation, under normal operating conditions, from any accessible surface ○.5 meters away. Under normal operating conditions, the dose rate at a distance of one meter does not exceed one microsievert per hour.
1, the nominal voltage does not exceed 30,000 volts of free radiation equipment.
2. Electron microscope.
3, cathode ray tube.
4, television receivers.
5 other commodities containing radioactive material or equipment that can generate free radiation, under normal operating conditions, from any accessible surface ○.5 meters away. The dose rate at one meter does not exceed one microsievert per hour, and its type has been approved by the competent authority for announcement.
Article 3?
Radioactive substances referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of the preceding Article shall be exempted from the control if the content of individual radioactive species does not exceed the sum of the ratio of the exempted amount of the species in the attached table.
When calculating the ratio of radioactive substances containing unknown radioactive species, the value of "other radioactive species not listed" in the last column of the attached table shall be used, unless the operator of the facility can propose a more appropriate value.
Expanded Information:
Common Radiation Identification Differences and Hazards:
Difference Between Electromagnetic Radiation and Electromagnetic Radiation Pollution
Electromagnetic radiation and Electromagnetic radiation pollution are two concepts, any charged body has electromagnetic radiation, when the intensity of electromagnetic radiation exceeds the national standard, it will produce negative effects, causing different lesions and hazards of the human body.
This part of the radiation that exceeds the standard electromagnetic field strength is called electromagnetic radiation pollution.
Radiation from cell phone base stations affects human body
The difference between cell phone radiation and cell phone base station radiation.
Generally a cell phone has an electromagnetic radiation value between 0.03-0.7, while a cell phone base station has a radiation value of 10 microwatts. The value of radiation produced by a cell phone base station is not much higher than the value of a cell phone.
In addition, electromagnetic radiation is the closer the distance, the longer the radiation exposure, the deeper the damage suffered.
And the general residents of the roof of the building installed on the cell phone base station away from us for a safe distance, so this effect is relatively small.
Baidu Encyclopedia - Radiation