Ultrapure water treatment process and introduction! And pure water treatment those even

Now the preparation of ultrapure water is a variety of new technologies for water purification scientifically combined, not only can produce ultrapure water, but also become very easy. Currently commercially available ultrapure water is a successful example. Tap water in ultrapure water out, very convenient. And the service life is getting longer and longer.

Ultra-pure water purifier preparation of ultrapure water principle and steps are generally as follows:

1. Raw water: tap water or ordinary distilled water or ordinary deionized water as raw water.

2. Mechanical filtration: mechanical impurities, such as rust and other suspended matter, are filtered out through sand core filter plates and fiber columns.

3. Activated carbon filtration: activated carbon is a broad-spectrum adsorbent, can adsorb gaseous components, such as residual chlorine in the water; adsorption of bacteria and some filter metals. Chlorine can damage the reverse osmosis membrane, so should strive to get rid of.

4. reverse osmosis membrane filtration: can filter out more than 95% of the electrolyte and macromolecular compounds, including colloidal particles and viruses. Out of the vast majority of ion removal, so that the service life of the ion exchange column is greatly extended.

5. Ultraviolet light degradation: with the help of short-wave (180nm-254 nm) ultraviolet irradiation decomposition of water is not easy to be adsorbed by the activated carbon of small organic compounds, such as methanol, ethanol, etc., so that it is converted into CO2 and water, in order to reduce the indicators of TOC.

6. Ion exchange unit: it is known that mixed ion exchange bed is a decisive means of removing ions from water. With the help of multi-stage mixed bed to obtain ultrapure water is not difficult. But the TOC index of water mainly comes from the resin bed. Therefore high-quality ion exchange resins become the key to success. The so-called high-quality resin is a resin with particularly good chemical stability, does not decompose, and does not contain oligomers, monomers, additives, etc. The so-called "nuclear industry-grade resin" is a resin that can be used in a variety of applications. The so-called "nuclear grade resins" probably belong to this category. The higher the quality of the resin, the better. Unfortunately, there are few people in China who work hard in this area and are satisfied with the production of large routes.

7.0.2μm membrane filtration, in order to remove particles in the water Road 1 per milliliter (less than 0.2μm of the mouth after the above steps to produce water is ultrapure water. Should be able to meet a variety of instrumental analysis, high-purity analysis, trace analysis and other requirements, close to or to achieve the requirements of electronic grade water.

Nanjing QuanKun's BDP series of ultrapure water, divided into basic and multi-purpose type two. The technical index is more advanced, adopting the combination of membrane filtration and ion exchange technology, on-line automatic detection and control of water quality, and can obtain high-quality water stably for a long time.