1. The number of beds is not the same.
The total number of inpatient beds in a second-class hospital is 100 to 499, and the total number of inpatient beds in a third-class hospital is 500 or more.
2. Inconsistent staffing.
Second-class hospitals are equipped with at least 0.88 health technicians per bed, at least 0.4 nurses per bed, at least three physicians with the title of associate physician or above, and at least one physician with the title of attending physician or above in each specialized department.
Tertiary hospitals are equipped with at least 1.03 health technicians per bed, at least 0.4 nurses per bed, the director of each specialized department should have the title of deputy chief physician or above, and there should be no fewer than two clinical dietitians, and the ratio of engineering technicians (technicians, assistant engineers and above) to the total number of health technicians should be no less than 1%.
3, inconsistent setup of sections.
The clinical departments of the second hospital: at least emergency department, internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, stomatology, dermatology, anesthesiology, infectious diseases, preventive health care, of which ophthalmology, otolaryngology, stomatology can be combined to build a department, dermatology can be integrated into the internal medicine or surgical department, near the infectious disease hospital has been set up according to the local "health care institutions set up a plan" may not set up infectious disease department;
The medical and technical departments of the second hospital: at least a pharmacy, laboratory, radiology, operating room, pathology, blood bank (can be combined with the laboratory), physical therapy, sterilization supply room, case room.
Tertiary hospital clinical departments: emergency department, internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, traditional Chinese medicine, otolaryngology, stomatology, ophthalmology, dermatology, anesthesiology, rehabilitation, preventive health care;
Tertiary hospital medical departments: at least the pharmacy, laboratory, radiology, operating room, pathology, blood transfusion, nuclear medicine, physical therapy (can be combined with rehabilitation), sterilization supply room, medical records room. ), sterilization supply room, case room, nutrition department and the corresponding clinical function examination room.
/iknow-pic.cdn.bcebos.com/09fa513d269759ee8c6f26b1bdfb43166d22df89 "target="_blank "title="" class="ikqb_img_alink">/iknow- pic.cdn.bcebos.com/09fa513d269759ee8c6f26b1bdfb43166d22df89?x-bce-process=image%2Fresize%2Cm_lfit%2Cw_600%2CCh_800%2Climit_1% 2Fquality%2Cq_85%2Fformat%2Cf_auto "esrc="/09fa513d269759ee8c6f26b1bdfb43166d22df89"/>
4. Inconsistent configuration of facilities.
Two hospitals per bed floor area of not less than 45 square meters; wards per bed net usable area of not less than 5 square meters; the daily average per visit accounted for outpatient floor area of not less than 3 square meters.
Tertiary hospitals per bed floor area of not less than 60 square meters; wards per bed net usable area of not less than 6 square meters; daily average per outpatient visits accounted for outpatient floor area of not less than 4 square meters.
5, undertake different medical tasks.
Second-tier hospitals: regional hospitals that provide comprehensive medical and health services to multiple communities and undertake certain teaching and research tasks.
Tertiary hospitals: is to provide a high level of specialized medical and health services to several areas and the implementation of higher education, scientific research tasks above the regional hospital. Enterprises and institutions and collective, individual hospitals organized by the level, can be delineated mutatis mutandis.
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