What color should the sharps box be, as stipulated in the Provisions on Standards and Warning Labels for Packaging and Containers for Medical Waste?

The Standard for Packaging and Containers for Medical Waste and Warning Labeling Regulations states that the sharps box should be yellow in color.


The sharps box is a medical storage box used to collect syringes, small glassware, razor blades, suture needles, and other sharp instruments. Sharps boxes are single-use and are required by the state to be recycled by a medical waste disposal unit within 24 hours and incinerated completely and safely within 48 hours.

Medical waste, refers to medical and health institutions in the medical, preventive, health care and other related activities generated by the direct or indirect infectious, toxic and other hazardous waste. Medical waste*** is divided into five categories and is included in the National Hazardous Waste List.

Medical waste occurs along with the process of medical services, such as improper disposal, arbitrary open piles, not only occupies a large amount of land, resulting in the reduction of available land resources,

And a large number of toxic waste residues or waste liquids in the natural world everywhere in the circulation, it is very easy to come into contact with the soil, and some medical and health care institutions and even medical waste will be simply buried, which is a very large pollution of the soil is very big

And once the toxic substances of medical waste enter the soil, they will be adsorbed by the soil, pollute the soil, kill the microorganisms and protozoa in the soil, destroy the micro-ecology of the soil, and in turn reduce the soil's ability to degrade the pollutants;

Acids, alkalis and salts and other substances therein will change the nature and structure of the soil, leading to acidification, alkalization and hardening of the soil, affecting the The acid, alkali and salts will change the nature and structure of the soil, leading to acidification, alkalization and hardening of the soil, affecting the development and growth of the plant roots and destroying the ecological environment.

Medical waste can pollute water bodies through a variety of ways, such as surface runoff into rivers and lakes, or with the wind migration into the water body, especially when the medical waste is placed in the open air or mixed into the open pile of domestic waste,

hazardous substances in the role of the rain, it is easy to flow into the rivers, lakes, and the sea, resulting in serious contamination of the body of water and damage. The most serious is that some health care institutions will even medical waste directly into the rivers, lakes or coastal waters, resulting in greater pollution.