How is the Zoucheng Yankuang Group General Hospital, where the wisdom teeth extraction is expensive, technology is good

Simply pulling out wisdom teeth does not require too high level of hospital hope can be successfully completed, you said Zoucheng Yankuang Group General Hospital should have a dental clinic can help you successfully pull out wisdom teeth, the price of pulling out wisdom teeth will not be very high, depending on the degree of wisdom teeth extraction and difficult to pull out the degree of the price of slightly fluctuating, the pulling out of wisdom teeth at present there is no uniform price standard, different regions, hospitals, the charges are also not the same standard. The fee for wisdom teeth extraction is also related to the patient's oral cavity, the growth position of the wisdom teeth, and the degree of disease of the wisdom teeth. If the oral cavity is in good condition and the position of the teeth is relatively positive, the teeth can be easily extracted, and the cost will be relatively low. In general, the wisdom teeth of the upper teeth due to its structure is relatively simple, so its cost may range from tens of dollars to hundreds of dollars, it is relatively simple; while the wisdom teeth of the lower teeth according to its eruption, sometimes its structure is different, and the distance of the mandibular neural tube, the position of the changes are related to the general extraction may be relatively difficult, so the cost of the relative to come to a higher price, the price is generally from The price generally ranges from more than one hundred to one thousand dollars. The specific price according to each region, hospital, doctor's level is different, may be different. The Zoucheng Yankuang Group General Hospital in Zoucheng, mentioned in the question, charges about 100-300 yuan for wisdom teeth extraction.

Many people often ask: should I have my wisdom teeth removed? Usually, dentists will recommend wisdom teeth removal for the following reasons:

1. Cavities: If the wisdom teeth are decayed, except for very simple occlusal cavities that are not deep enough to be filled in, we will always recommend removal of those adjacent cavities that require good technique and those that are deep enough to require root canal treatment, to eliminate future problems.

2. Encroachment on neighboring teeth: Usually the patient is not aware of it, but the dentist will diagnose it by X-ray. Usually, the wisdom teeth do not have enough space to erupt and will fall on the second molars, thus causing the second molars to be difficult to clean, or even partially resorbed, resulting in discomfort or toothache for the patient.

3. Insufficient space: Wisdom teeth are in a state of extinction in the evolutionary history of mankind. Therefore, the dental arch is also getting smaller and smaller, and the lack of space is very common. With the eruption of the most can feel the swelling, pain sensation. Many people just can't tolerate this sense of pain and decide to remove their wisdom teeth.

4. Cleaning is not easy: Because of the lack of space, wisdom teeth often grow crooked, which often makes it difficult to clean them, resulting in tooth decay.

5. Obstructed teeth: Usually this is the most annoying type, which the dentist will find difficult to handle, but the patient may not necessarily feel it, and therefore ignored. This type of tooth is usually buried in the alveolar bone and needs to be removed if it is painful or if a lesion is diagnosed.

Finally, I wish you the best of luck with your wisdom teeth removal !!!!!!