Picture Factory" screenshot screenshot function use instructions

Picture Factory is a safe, practical, reliable, simple and easy image processing software, where partners can cut off their favorite images with pictures to share with others, so how exactly does Picture Factory take a screenshot? Here I will give you a picture of the factory screenshot function instructions, I hope to help you.

Picture Factory screenshot tutorial:

Click on the icon or the shortcut key Ctrl + F5 to open the screenshot image

Screenshot function:

Cropping: select the area of the crop

Crop: Select the area of the crop.

Rectangle: draw a rectangle in the screenshot

Circle: draw a circle in the screenshot

Line: draw a line in the screenshot

Paintbrush: write in the screenshot with the paintbrush

Text: add text in the screenshot

Mosaic: add a mosaic in the screenshot

Save: save the screenshot

Editor: opens the editor to edit the screenshot

Split: brings up the split window to split the screenshot

Back: goes back to the previous step

Reload: goes back to the initial state of the screenshot

Close: closes the screenshot

Done: copies it to the clipboard