What is a temperature sensor? What is the role?

Temperature sensor (temperature?transducer) is a sensor that can sense temperature and convert it into a usable output signal. Temperature sensor is the core part of the temperature measuring instrument, a variety of varieties. According to the measurement method can be divided into two categories of contact and non-contact, according to the sensor material and electronic component characteristics are divided into two categories of RTDs and thermocouples.

Functions and features

1, check K, E, J, N, B, S, R, T and other types of working thermocouples

2, check Pt100, Pt10, Cu50, Cu100 and other types of working RTDs, glass-liquid thermometers, pressure thermometers, bimetallic thermometers

3, multi-channel low potential automatic switch, parasitic potential ≤ 0.4μV

4, control 1-4 sets of high temperature furnace

5, temperature field test: can be certified furnace, oil tank, water tank, low temperature constant temperature tank temperature field test

6, line conversion: two-wire, three-wire, four-wire resistance calibration

7, the software has a comparative experiments, repeatability experiments, temperature field test

Software platform:

8, in the Windows2000/XP platform, the whole Chinese interface, standard Windows operating system, convenient. Can realize:

a) equipment self-test, check the line

b) screen display and save the temperature control curve ≤ 0.4 μV

c) automatic acquisition of test data

d) automatic generation of calibration records to meet the requirements of the test

e) automatic preservation of the test results and can not be manually changed

f) query a variety of thermocouples, RTDs indexing table and other help

g)Thermocouple, RTD all historical calibration data, temperature control curve query Statistics and measurement of intelligent management functions