The frequent occurrence of wound infections brings numerous complications to surgical procedures, developing an otherwise successful treatment into a disastrous
result. Extensive burn surgeries, cranial surgeries, ophthalmic surgeries, lung surgeries, mediastinal surgeries, and other difficult surgeries must
be carried out in ultra-clean environments to minimize the rate of surgical infections to ensure surgical success.
Laminar flow pure operating room is a multi-functional use of air cleaning measures, the air dust particles will be filtered, so that bacteria without
carrier transmission, thus effectively preventing and controlling the occurrence of infection, and at the same time to provide the appropriate temperature, humidity environment, so that the patient in the hand
Operation tissue by the least possible damage.
Clean surgical rooms are divided into four levels, with the air cleanliness level as a necessary safeguard:
Surgical operating room cleanliness level and ISO standards comparison:
Operating room purification of the highest level of purification of the 100 level is equivalent to the ISO5 level of cleanliness, than the pollutant concentration of the ISO1 environment is 10,000 times higher.