What taxes do Chinese enterprises have to pay for importing equipment and raw materials from abroad?

Import tariff goods (including taxes collected on behalf of the customs) collected during the import process include: customs duties, product taxes, value-added taxes, consolidated industrial and commercial taxes and local surcharges, salt taxes, import adjustment taxes, trade adjustment taxes with Taiwan, vehicle purchase surcharges, etc.


This is the basic tax levied by the customs on the import of goods.

The calculation formula of tariff is: import tariff = customs value (CIF contract) × tariff rate.

Product tax, value-added tax, consolidated industrial and commercial tax and local surcharges:

They are all taxes levied by the customs when goods are imported.

Calculation methods of product tax, value-added tax and consolidated industrial and commercial tax;

Duty paid price = (CIF+tariff) /( 1- tax rate)

Taxable amount = dutiable price × tax rate

Import adjustment tax:

It is a tax levied on goods restricted by the state or for other reasons. Its calculation formula is: import adjustment tax amount = CIF price × import adjustment tax rate.

Vehicle purchase surcharge:

Imported passenger cars, minibuses, general-purpose trucks, off-road vehicles, vans, motorcycles, tractors, semi-trailer tractors and other transport vehicles are subject to vehicle purchase surcharges at the rate of 15%. The calculation formula is: billing combination price = CIF+customs duty+VAT vehicle purchase surcharge = billing combination price × 15%.