What is Medical Imaging Technology?

Medical imaging technology is the name of a medical specialty. The reason why our country introduced a policy in 2006 to divide the same specialty into two different academic year systems to teach, the purpose is to want to be in line with some developed countries in the West.

The purpose of training four-year students is that such students can specialize in technical work in the future, while training five-year students is to engage in diagnostic and treatment work in the future.

According to the "Catalogue of Undergraduate Specialties in General Colleges and Universities" issued by the Ministry of Education in 1998 (No. 8 of "Teaching Higher Education [1998]"), the specialty of "Medical Imaging" should have a five-year course of study, and the degree is awarded to the Bachelor of Medicine.

The training goal of the students is "to have the basic theoretical knowledge and ability of basic medicine, clinical medicine and modern medical imaging, and to be able to engage in medical and health care units in the diagnosis of medical imaging, interventional radiology and medical imaging technology and other aspects of the work of the medical senior specialists".

According to this training goal: after employment, students can engage in both medical imaging diagnostic physician work, can also engage in medical imaging technician work. The four-year medical imaging program is a bachelor's degree program set up by the state to meet the needs of the reform and development of health care and to meet the demand for medical and health care personnel, in accordance with the Ministry of Education's documents, the four-year medical imaging program is awarded the degree of Bachelor of Science.

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Expanded Information

With one of the following circumstances, will not be admitted to the application for the physician's qualification examination:


2, basic medicine, forensic medicine, nursing, paramedic medicine, medical technology and other related medical categories and pharmacy, medical management graduates;

3, graduated from the medical profession, but the syllabus and the direction of professional training or the graduation certificate states that the direction of non-medical;

4, graduated from the medical profession, but the Syllabus and direction of professional training or degree certificate proves that the degree is non-medical;

5, non-active military personnel with a probationary period certificate issued by the military medical, preventive, health care institutions to report for the examination or enrolled in the military to take the examination for the qualification of physicians;

6, active-duty military personnel with a probationary period certificate issued by the local medical, preventive, health care institutions to report for the examination;

7, holders of a "professional Certificate" or "academic certificate" to register for the qualification examination for physicians;

8, January 1, 1999 or later enrolled in secondary specialized schools for health workers after graduation to apply for the qualification examination for licensed physician assistants.


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