Rehabilitation training can promote joint swelling, prevent muscle atrophy, prevent joint contracture, promote fracture healing, improve cognitive function, correct posture, walking training, independent living. The main contents of sports rehabilitation are as follows: training to maintain joint mobility, training to enhance muscle strength, training to restore balance, training to restore walking, endurance training to enhance cardiorespiratory function, massage and traction techniques and various therapeutic techniques.
Exercise rehabilitation can be based on the patient's characteristics and disease conditions, the use of equipment, unarmed techniques or the patient's own strength of physical exercise to strengthen the body to achieve the purpose of treatment of limb or trunk dysfunction. Sports rehabilitation is an important measure of rehabilitation medicine, sports rehabilitation and general sports activities are not the same, is to be based on the patient's functional situation and disease characteristics, choose the appropriate functional activities and exercise methods for patients to train. Exercise requires the participation of bones, joints, muscles and mutual cooperation. Therefore, the way of exercise should be in line with the principles of functional anatomy and mechanics, in order to reasonably use the body's internal and external forces, in order to achieve a better exercise effect.
The common rehabilitation techniques used in sports rehabilitation are neurophysiology and neurodevelopmental therapy, Bobath technique, Brunnstrom technique, proprioceptive musculoskeletal neural facilitation technique, movement in learning technique, Rood technique and so on. Rehabilitation can be further categorized into physical therapy, exercise therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and so on.
Exercise rehabilitation is suitable for joint movement limitation, muscle strength loss, muscle atrophy, skeletal muscle system caused by motor dysfunction, neurological disorders. However, exercise rehabilitation is not applicable to the following conditions: patients with fever over 38 degrees, patients with unstable vital signs such as pulse and blood pressure, patients with severely low heart function, patients who have not recovered from trauma and still have obvious symptoms such as non-healing swelling and pain, patients who have unbearable pain during the rehabilitation process, patients who have difficulty with physical fitness to withstand the rehabilitation, patients who have broken bones or whose bones have not healed, etc