Male Sex Reassignment Surgery

How much does it cost if I want to have sex reassignment surgery?

The surgery costs 80,000 to 100,000 yuan for the first stage, and 70,000 yuan for the second stage. The cost of the surgery is $80,000 to $100,000 for the first stage, and about $10,000 for the second stage of the surgery. The first is the face: male to female, there are eight or nine places on the face alone that have to be chiseled. Forehead, eyebrows, nose, cheeks, cheeks, jaws and lips. Because the first thing a person's gender displays is this face; second is the plastic surgery of the breasts: the lines of the augmented breasts after the surgery should be smooth and realistic; third is the reconstruction of the genitals: removal of the penis and testicles, urethral displacement, artificial vagina molding, etc.; and finally, the laryngeal nodes are removed, and the vocal cords are tightened.

What documents are needed?

To ensure the seriousness of the procedure, everyone undergoing sex reassignment surgery must first be a "transsexual" and have lived and worked as a member of the opposite sex for some time. Secondly, before undergoing surgery, eight certificates must be produced: a certificate of consent to surgery from the public security department, a certificate of application for surgery including personal experience and determination to undergo surgery, a certificate of consent to surgery from a family member, a certificate of exclusion of mental illness from a psychiatric hospital, a certificate of consent to surgery from the workplace, a certificate of consent to surgery from the township government and the neighborhood committee, and, for those who have already been married, the issue of spouses must be resolved and a certificate of the court must be produced, Proof of preparation of medical expenses and measures to protect life after the operation. All the proofs are ready before you can undergo sex reassignment surgery

Will you have to go to the police station to change your sex or will you have to go to the police station to change your sex?

Yes, you can go to the local public security office with the above certificate

Where is the cheapest and most effective surgery?

Recommends the Shanghai Second Military Medical University. The university's professor He Qinglian performed the country's first gender reassignment surgery. The first time I've ever seen a woman with a penis, I've never seen her with a penis," he said. There are three hospitals under it, two of which can do this kind of surgery. The level should be the best in the country

Changhai Hospital

Changzheng Hospital



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