Can dental implants be reimbursed by Medicare in 2023?

As of 2023, dental implants are not yet covered by our health insurance. Click now to consult online dental problems

Dental implants are a kind of missing teeth restoration method based on the lower structure implanted into the bone tissue to support and fix the upper dental restoration, which is not a disease treatment program, and therefore currently not covered by the health insurance reimbursement. Although the demand for dental implants is increasing, the health insurance fund is getting bigger and bigger, the limited fund should do its best to protect the basic medical care, and the National Health Insurance Bureau did not include dental implants in the health insurance catalog, so dental implants still can not be reimbursed through the health insurance.

If you need dental implants, you can consult your local dentist's advice for more detailed information. It is also a good idea to check out local commercial insurance plans to get a better idea of your medical expenses.