Photos: German WWII base discovered on Arctic island

Outdated facilities (Evgeny Ermolov/Russian Arctic National Park)

A team of Russian researchers has discovered the ruins of a secret German World War II base, "Schatzgrabber" ("Treasure Hunter"), on Alexandra Island in the Barents Sea, more than 1 km (650 miles) north of the Russian coast. ") sites, more than one, 100 kilometers (650 miles) north of the Russian coast,

The bases were part of a network of secret weather observation stations set up by the German military in 1943 on Arctic islands far north of the European mainland.

Decades of ice and snow have now crushed the main wooden barracks station for German weather into splinters. [Read full story on Germany's secret bases]


(Evgeny Ermolov/Russian Arctic National Park)

A team of researchers from the Russian Arctic National Park in Arkhangelsk say they are the first to fully explore and map the wartime ruins on this remote island. They also documented more than 600 objects from the former German weather station and sent them to the park's museum in Arkhangelsk for further study.

The canisters once held food and other supplies, which were regularly airdropped to the base by German planes.

Left Behind (Julia Petrova/Russian Arctic National Park)

The finds include military relics of equipment and weapons left behind by weather station personnel when the base closed in 1944.

The cartridges, along with an ammunition pouch for a German Mauser 98 rifle, were found in the ruins of the barracks.

Evidence of the settlement (Evgeny Ermolov/Russian Arctic National Park)

The wartime German base on the island of Alexandra was a scientific weather observatory, but it was surrounded by fortifications and minefields to prevent detection and attack.

This is the remains of one of those bunkers.

The question remains (Julia Petrova/Russian Arctic National Park)

The purpose of the Schatzgraber base has been the subject of much speculation, but researchers have reported no evidence that it was more than just a meteorological observatory that could have given early warning of German military operations.

This image shows two automatic thermometers found at the site in 1944,

emergency recorded as "KDSP" (Julia Petrova/Russian Arctic National Park) "KDSP"
A medical emergency occurred at the base due to staff eating contaminated meat from polar bears they had shot for food.

German planes flew two missions from Norway to Alexandra Island to evacuate sick base staff. One of the planes landed on an emergency landing strip on the island discovered this year by a Russian research team,

Remaining Evidence (Evgeny Ermolov/Russian Arctic National Park)

Wartime artifacts found at the site of the emergency airfield on Alexandra Island include the remains of tents, equipment, and fuel drums

Technological Remnants (Evgeny Ermolov/Russian Arctic National Park)

Researchers have also found batteries - possibly radio equipment - smoke bombs, and flares from the emergency runway near Cape Nimrod on Alexandra Island.

Emergency supplies (Arctic National Park, Russia) Arctic National Park, Russia

This is a packet of flare wrappers found at the emergency airfield on Alexandra Island, written in German and dated 1941. [Read the full story about the secret German base]