How about Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital

Healthcare in Hong Kong follows the Commonwealth system. It is an advanced medical system in the world, which is not only renowned but also leads the world in several medical fields.

Hong Kong's internal medicine, surgery, gynecology, obstetrics and pediatrics are very high level, patients from all over the world, some difficult cases are often referred to Hong Kong because local hospitals find it difficult to deal with, the success of the case first of all to accelerate the development of their own medical technology, but also for Hong Kong to lay the foundation of a consolidated medical center.

Because of the standard of medical care, and also because of the industry's ethics and regulatory system is very sound and strict, attracting people from all over the world to seek medical treatment in Hong Kong, such as overseas Chinese, international celebrities, the mainland guests, and many emigrants from Hong Kong will choose to come back to Hong Kong for medical treatment.

Simply put, professional standards + strict regulation + quality service form the core of Hong Kong's healthcare system.