Expensive examination equipment is almost always imported, which is the reason why many people like to go to big hospitals to see a doctor

See a video, a couple of academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences said: our hospitals are now using more than 95% of those inspection equipment are foreign, we imported over to use, and those equipment means of inspection are the principles of physics.

Indeed, life when we are sick, the rural will choose to county hospitals, provincial hospitals to check what the disease, and so the results of the examination and then return to the local treatment. The city people will go to more famous hospitals, more high-end hospitals to confirm the diagnosis and treatment. There are two main reasons for this, first of all, the doctors in the big hospitals have higher education, more professional, every day contact with more patients, relatively more experienced. The second reason is that the examination equipment in large hospitals is more advanced and more accurate, which is more helpful in diagnosing the disease. The second reason is analyzed below.

The larger the hospital, the higher the level of the hospital, the more priority can be given to the importation of the most advanced medical examination equipment, such as large hospitals out of the generation, will be cascaded down to the lower level of the hospital, the primary health care sector to use almost all the backward, by the high level of hospitals out of the years of those obsolete equipment!

Of course, the grassroots hospitals he did not want to use the most advanced, the latest type of equipment, just that the equipment is really too expensive, with its own patient flow, one can not afford to buy, two can not afford to keep. And the use of those obsolete equipment is generally free or at a very affordable price!

For example, those good microscopes in the hospital, biochemical analyzers, ct machines, nuclear magnetic **** vibration machine are almost all imported, or foreign companies in the domestic production. Domestic ct machine clarity is not as good as imported, durability can not catch up with the imported. Small hospitals still use the traditional X-ray machine filming, large hospitals CR machine, DR machine have been updated several generations, the latter imaging than the former a lot of precision, single charge is also expensive. Fracture internal fixation using a small plate, hundreds of domestic thousands, imported thousands of tens of thousands. The small hospitals give people the intuitive feeling that everything is very old, the big hospitals as if everything is brand new!

Turning over the physics textbook, the unit of force is the Newton, the unit of pressure is the Pascal, the unit of current is the Ampere, the unit of voltage is the Volt, the unit of resistance is the Ohm ......, it seems that there is no physical unit named after the Chinese. It's as sad as the fact that we can't make photolithography machines or produce our own advanced chips.

Our spaceship in the sky, Chang'e moon, Jiaolong into the sea, the space station put into use, so many high-tech have been overcome one by one, is it that we can not make those advanced medical examination instruments? Yes and no, due to the development of our Western medical technology later than the West, medical equipment, which involves patented technology, intellectual property rights, materials required, manufacturing tools, process technology and many other aspects of the problem. In a short period of time, large hospitals to check the pattern of small hospitals to see a doctor may be difficult to change.