GB9706 three safety regulations correspond to iec60601-1 in the article number?

I don't know which three items you are talking about, these two are medical product standards, but the national standard is in accordance with the IEC standard translation, and then also some places to do some modification, plus our country's differences and then as our national standard, the national standard will generally specify the reference is the IEC version, the translation is a line of correspondence

But the bad thing is that the national standard version will generally be one or more versions later than the IEC version, so sometimes you can see the national standard and the British standard will not match, but generally speaking, it is not the same as the IEC version, but it is not a good idea. But the bad thing is that the national standard version is usually one or more versions later than the IEC version, so sometimes you can't see the difference between the national standard and the British standard, but it's more or less the same, so if you can't see the difference, you have to look at it in detail.