The significance of physics to medicine
Medical physics can be summarized as a branch of the application of physics, which is an emerging fringe discipline formed by applying the theories, methods and techniques of physics to medicine. In other words, the Department of Medical Physics combines the specialties of physics, engineering, and biology and applies them to medicine, especially in radiology or laser medicine. Therefore, medical physics can also cooperate with medical electronics (medical equipment research), biomedical engineering (engineering principles applied to biology and medicine), and health care physics (analysis, control of radiation damage) and other disciplines, *** with the promotion of medicine and biotechnology progress. Its emergence has greatly improved the level of medical education and facilitated the process of improving and updating the means of clinical diagnosis, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation. Its main research contents are: 1, the function of human organs or systems and the physical interpretation of normal or dissimilar processes; 2, the physical properties of human tissues and the role of physical factors on the human body; 3, the understanding of bioelectricity, magnetism, acoustics, light, heat, force and other physical phenomena in the human body; 4, the physical instrumentation (microscopes, spectrophotometers, X-ray machines, CT, isotopes and nuclear magnetic*** vibration meter, etc.) and physical measurement techniques of the Medical applications. As an independent discipline, it was formed in the 1950s of this century, when the International Organization of Medical Physics (IOMP) was established in 1974, and the Medical Physics Branch joined the IOMP in 1986 under the name of the Chinese Society of Medical Physics. With the rapid development of modern physics and computer science, people's understanding of the phenomenon of life is gradually deepened, the various sub-disciplines of medicine have more and more of their theories based on accurate physical science, the technology and methods of physics, in medical research and medical practice is more and more widely used. The great contribution of optical microscope and X-ray fluoroscopy to medicine has been known for a long time. Optical fiber made of a variety of endoscopes have eliminated a variety of rigid catheter endoscopes, computers and X-ray tomography (X-CT), ultrasound scanner (ultrasound) and magnetic *** vibration tomography (MRI), positron emission tomography (PET), etc., made and applied, not only greatly reduces the patient's pain and trauma, improves diagnostic Accuracy, but also directly promote the establishment and development of modern medical imaging diagnostics, so that the clinical diagnostic technology to take a qualitative leap. Every new discovery of physics or every new stage of technological development provides more advanced, more convenient and more precise instruments and methods for medical research and medical practice. It can be said that in the modern medical research and medical units are inseparable from the methods and equipment of physics, with the development of medical science, physics and medicine will become more and more closely related. Physics is not only for the cause of disease, pathology research and prevention in medicine provides a modern experimental means, but also for clinical diagnosis and treatment provides advanced instruments and equipment. It can be said that without the support of physics, there is no modern medicine today.1, the impact of optics on medicine laser has been widely used in medicine, it is the use of laser in living tissue propagation process will produce thermal effects, photochemical effects, light penetration and shockwave effect. Ultraviolet lasers have been used for microdissection of human chromosomes, which helps to explore the molecular basis of disease. In diagnostics, with the extensive research on the use of various laser spectroscopic techniques in the medical field, such as autofluorescence of biological tissues, drug fluorescence spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy in the diagnosis of cancer and early diagnosis of cataracts, etc. are under development. Laser optical tomography (OT) is emerging as a new medical diagnostic technology to replace X-CT. In terms of treatment, laser surgery has become a commonly used practical technology, people can choose different wavelengths of laser to achieve high efficiency and small damage. Lasers have been used in cardiovascular plaque removal, corneal ablation and plastic surgery, stone crushing, ophthalmic photopiercing, uterine fibroids, skin nevus tumors, laser aesthetics, and photodynamic therapy (PDT) for cancer. Endoscopes used in diagnostics such as gastroscopes, proctoscopes, and bronchoscopes are made on the principle of total reflection of light occurring multiple times on the surface of a fiber. Medical shadowless lamps, reflectors, etc. are also made using optical principles. Near-field optical scanning microscope can be directly in the air, liquid and other natural conditions to study biological specimens and other samples, with a resolution of up to 20nm or more, has been used to study individual molecules, is expected to gain important applications in the field of medicine. The use of elliptically polarized light can identify infectious viruses and analyze cell surface membranes. Holographic microscopy is also widely used in medicine. The effects of radioactivity on medicineRays are extremely widely used in medicine, based on the fact that certain physiological effects occur in human tissues when they are irradiated by rays. Rays can be obtained from reactors, gas pedals or radionuclides. In the study of etiology and pathology, the use of radioactive tracer technology enables modern medicine to dynamically study the metabolism of various substances in the body from the molecular level, so that difficult problems in medical research are constantly being solved. For example, it has clarified the process of cholesterol biosynthesis which is closely related to cardiovascular diseases. Nowadays, radioactive tracing has become an indispensable and powerful weapon of modern medicine. Radioactivity in clinical diagnostic applications have been very popular, such as X-ray machines and medical CT. 1895 R?ntgen in the study of dilute gas discharge found X-rays. X-rays found only 3 months after the application of clinical medical research, nbsp; X-ray fluoroscopy is based on the different tissues or organs of X-rays of the attenuation of the ability of different strength of uniformity of X-rays through the body of the intensity of the different parts of the body through the different parts of the strength of X-rays projected to the illumination of the human body. The body's X-rays are projected onto a photographic negative, and after the image is developed, it is possible to observe the different brightnesses and darknesses of the various parts of the body. x-ray fluoroscopy can clearly observe the extent of bone fractures, tuberculosis foci, the location and size of tumors in the body, the shape of the organs, and the determination of the.