Activated water scam I was yesterday because of hormonal dermatitis, someone took me to experience the low-frequency activated water free trial, I do not know if there is no effect

Tap water: for decades has been the main source of drinking water for urban residents, but due to the water sources around the world in recent years by varying degrees of pollution, coupled with the city's water supply pipeline years in disrepair, increasing the chances of secondary contamination of tap water; In addition, tap water in the disinfection of a large number of chlorine or chlorine-containing bleach, which are in the sterilization at the same time also brings free chlorine to a variety of organic chlorine effect, which Including chlorinated dioxins. These toxic chlorine-containing substances are not easy to decompose even at high temperatures (100 degrees Celsius), seriously jeopardizing human health. Relevant experiments have proved that long-term consumption of chlorine-containing water in excess of standard quantities is an important cause of cancer or mutation in some parts of the human body.

Pure water: This kind of water has almost no impurities, not to mention bacteria, viruses, chlorine dioxin and other organic matter. Due to the different structure of the reverse osmosis membrane used, there are weakly acidic ultrapure water and neutral ultrapure water. In this kind of water due to the polarity of water molecules, caused by excessive tandem between molecules, the formation of a large diameter of the structure of the line group, not easy to pass through the cell membrane, on the contrary, the ions of the life force elements within the cell reverse seepage to the outside of the cell membrane into the pure water line group, resulting in the beneficial elements of life in the body flowed to the outside of the body, some sensitive people feel that the more they drink the more the pure water does not quench their thirst, the more they want to drink, and for a long time to feel The more you drink, the more you want to drink, and the longer you feel weak, the more prominent negative effects on growing teenagers and the elderly, so it is not advisable to drink purified water for a long time.

Mineral water: There are two kinds of mineral water, one is from the deep crust of the earth nearly 3,000 meters deep in the ancient ecological layer of spring water; two from the surface of the dissolved rock out of the mineral dissolved water. The former contains a considerable amount of life force elements, especially zinc, manganese, molybdenum and so on. The latter mineral water has more or less some minerals: such as calcium, magnesium, HCO3-, strontium ions, etc., but mainly HCO3- more, so it helps digestion. China's mineral water plant existing 3000 to, which in addition to Guangxi longevity village and a number of other natural water, most of the mineral water oxygen 17 NMR **** vibration spectrum is too wide, there is almost no life power element group. However, the state in the approval of some kind of mineral water production license, as long as it meets the calcium, magnesium, strontium and other 2-3 elements content can be. In recent years, mineral water factories have produced a lot of fake mineral water. It is difficult to distinguish the real from the fake. Because of the high price of mineral water, plus mineral water is neutral, minerals to the body is still not well absorbed and other reasons, the general family still can not drink a lot. The company's website has been updated with the latest information about the company's products and services.

Activated water: the specific application of activated drinking water in people's daily life, first of all, is in line with the (national) drinking water standards of drinking water; secondly, a large number of practice shows that activated drinking water also has a very magical health care and medical effects. Therefore, purely from the academic point of view, activated drinking water is a set of drinking, health care, medical effects as a new product. Activated water molecules into a small group (Korea, Japan experts call "pentagonal water", "hexagonal water"), surface tension is small, reasonable pH (PH value of 7.3) potential energy. In addition, the permeability of activated water is strong, easy to be absorbed by the body, and can mediate the balance of the human body, effectively eliminating the body's "garbage" and "free radicals" (is the molecules or atoms due to the lack of an electron, and to capture another electron molecules or atoms. It is one of the important factors of cell damage, it can also destroy normal genes, resulting in a variety of diseases; can also cause physical aging). Activated water has a comprehensive function that cannot be replaced by other kinds of living water. According to the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medical Sciences, the Ministry of Health and other authorities to verify that the activation of water on the high blood sugar caused by diabetes has the function of reducing gastric and intestinal ulcers have a healing effect. Activated water is worthy of the contemporary excellent "health water".

Activated water compared with pure water, their **** is to remove bacteria and germs and pollution impurities, are water quality standards of safe and healthy drinking water. The difference is that the grade of pure water is still low, single function. This is by the treatment of water equipment and purpose of the requirements of the decision. Pure water equipment requirements, as long as the water treatment into clean water, to achieve safe drinking on the line, does not have other features. Tourmaline activated water whole water device (generator) is designed and manufactured for a family, compact, easy to use, simple, water, turn on the switch can be used, with the use of put; purification part of the use of a period of time, dirty can be cleaned, do not have to be stored for a long time, the chances of contamination are relatively small. It can be said that activated water is the world's more high-grade drinking water. Coupled with a weak alkaline (PH in 7.3 or so), dissolved oxygen, molecular group of small features, it becomes a kind of living water with vitality. From the activation of the principle of water generation, it is modeled on nature's self-purification principle of manufacturing, so it is a "natural return to water".

Tourmaline activated water energy will be released, with the mediation of the body's acid-base balance of the role; can improve the cellular environment, activation of cells. Alkaline activated water than pure water molecules group diameter of about one-half small, because of the tiny size, so in and out of the cell is relatively free, with the nutrients into the cells, blood, and at the same time bring out the old waste inside them. Activated water can also promote metabolism, promote enzymes (enzymes) and intestinal microorganisms lively, to prevent abnormal fermentation in the intestines, to protect the liver, kidney function, and thus maintain health and life. Using activated sub-water for cosmetic purposes can make the skin smooth and rosy. Coupled with the slightly sweet and lubricating taste of activated water, it soon becomes an internationally explosive drinking water. The generation of activated water and so on will surely make human health care science into a higher realm, and make new contributions to human anti-disease and anti-aging.