Trademark Registration I*** is divided into 45 classes, which are classified according to the NiceClassification system. Each class represents a group of similar goods or services. The following are the 45 classes of trademark registration:
1. Class 1-Chemical Products
2. Class 2-Pigments and Paints
3. Class 3-Daily Chemicals
4. Class 4-Fuel Lubricants
5. Class 5-Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices
6. Class 6-Metallic Materials
7. Class 7 - Machinery and Equipment
8. Class 8 - Handicrafts
9. Class 9 - Scientific Instruments
10. Class 10 - Medical Appliances
11. Class 11 - Lamps and Air Conditioners
12. Class 12 - Means of Delivery
13. Class 13 - Arms and Fireworks
14. Class 14 - Jewelry, watches and clocks
15.Class 15 - Musical instruments
16.Class 16 - Office supplies
17.Class 17 - Rubber products
18.Class 18 - Leather bags and luggage
19.Class 19 - Building materials
20.Class 20 - Furniture
21. Class 22 - Rope and mesh bag tents
23.Class 23 - Yarn and cable
24.Class 24 - Fabric sheets
25.Class 25 - Clothing, footwear and hats
26.Class 26 - Buttons and zippers
27.Class 27 - Carpets, mats and mats
28.Class 28 - Fitness equipment
19.Class 19 - Building material
20.Class 20 - Furniture
21.Class 21 - Kitchen utensils
22. Class 28-Fitness equipment
29.Class 29-Food seasonings
30.Class 30-Coffee and tea
31.Class 31-Agricultural and forestry products
32.Class 32-Beer beverages
33.Class 33-Alcoholic beverages
34.Class 34-Smoking utensils
35.Class 35-Advertising Sales
36.Class 36-Financial Real Estate
37.Class 37-Building Repair
38.Class 38-Communication Services
39.Class 39-Transportation Storage
40.Class 40-Materials Processing
41.Class 41-Education and Entertainment
42. Class 42 - Scientific and technical services
43. Class 43 - Catering and accommodation
44. Class 44 - Medical and horticultural
45. Class 45 - Legal services
These classes cover almost all fields of goods and services, and the applicant is required to choose the class that best matches the goods or services to which the trademark relates.
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