Anti-static peek board is what material

Material name: anti-static PEEK plate or PEEK-ESD plate

Appearance: conventional black solid object, uniform color and glossy, hard texture, conventional smooth surface, density of 1.4-1.45g/cm3.

Color: black

Anti-static PEEK plate is a reinforcing material of PEEK polyether ether ether ketone material filled with certain Proportion of carbon fiber is a kind of reinforced material, with good antistatic properties.

Anti-static PEEK sheet characteristics: in the air allows a very high working temperature (can be 260 degrees continuous work, a short period of time up to 300 degrees); good mechanical strength, rigidity, high hardness, high temperature resistance; good chemical resistance and resistance to hydrolysis; good wear and friction performance, high creep strength, good dimensional stability; good resistance to ultraviolet light and resistance to high-energy radiation performance. Inherently low flammability, while in the combustion of smoke production is low.

Anti-static PEEK sheet applications: for the semiconductor industry, LCD industry, electronic equipment and microelectronic equipment industry, electrical and electronic, communications manufacturing, precision instruments, optical manufacturing, bio-engineering and other industries.

Anti-static peek board