1099 A.D. First Crusade, capture of Jerusalem
1180 A.D. Beginning of the reign of August (1180-1223)
1187 A.D. Construction of St. Thomas Church in the Louvre
1214 A.D. Battle of Bouvines
1226 A.D. Beginning of the reign of Louis IX (1226-1270)
1348 A.D. Epidemic of bubonic plague
1380 A.D. Death of Charles V
1358 A.D. Parisian Riot
1453 A.D. Decline of Byzantium
1517 A.D. Beginning of the Reformation movement
1572 A.D. Massacre of Saint-Barthélemy
1594 A.D. Henry IV enters Paris
1598 A.D. Amnesty of Nan
1661 A.D. Louis XIV begins to rule (1661-1715)
1665 A.D. Plan of Bénin
1685 A.D. Abolition of the Nan 1711 A.D. Chinese translation of Pilgrimage to the Island of Sidai completed
1715 A.D. Louis XV begins to rule (1715-1774)
1751 A.D. Beginning of the encyclopedia (1751-1780)
1763 A.D. Fire of the gates
1774 A.D. Louis XVI begins to rule (1774-1792)
1789 A.D. July 14th capture of the Bastille
1792 A.D. August 10th end of monarchy
1826 A.D. Gobelins Egyptian Museum founded
1827 A.D. Naval Museum founded
1830 A.D. July Revolution
1848 A.D. Revolution
1870 A.D. End of the Second French Empire
1871 A.D. Founding of the Commune of Paris
1871 A.D. Tullely's Palace and the Palais Royale burnt down on May 23rd
1882 A.D. Tullely's Palace razed to the ground
Second Empire
1852-1870: The Second Empire under Napoléon III was very short-lived.
World War I
From 1914 to 1918, conflicts raged around the world following the Balkan Wars.
The two main camps of the Second World War (1939-1945) were the Allies (France, Portugal, Great Britain, the Commonwealth, Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium, Yugoslavia, Greece, the Soviet Union, the United States, China, and a number of Latin American countries) and the Axis Powers (Germany, Italy, Japan, Hungary, Slovakia, etc.).
The Fifth **** and States
At the initiative of General de Gaulle (général de Gaulle), who was elected president in 1958, the Fifth **** and States adopted a new constitution. Debré became prime minister. In Black Africa, colonies became independent.