It is renewable. Water cycle is divided into two types: natural cycle and social cycle.
Natural cycles are divided into large cycles and small cycles. The water vapor evaporated from the ocean is carried over the land by air currents, condenses into rain, snow, hail, etc. and falls to the ground. Part of it is evaporated and returned to the atmosphere, and the rest becomes surface runoff or underground runoff, etc., and finally returns to the ocean. This reciprocating movement of water between the ocean and land is called the water cycle. The water cycle that only occurs in local areas (land or ocean) is called the small water cycle. The water cycle in the environment is intertwined with large and small cycles, and is constantly going on on a global scale and in various regions on the earth.
Social cycle refers to the process in which people take water from rivers and lakes, use it in life and industry, and then discharge it into nature.
At present, there is no time to use it up, because seawater desalination technology is currently developing. For example, large-scale seawater desalination plants are put into use in Tianjin and other places. But in life we ??should pay attention to the reasonable development and utilization of water resources, otherwise water resources problems will limit social and economic development.